
member since 2023

Recent Reviews5 total



End Game


Wedding Cake

I've smoked this strain and made my first edibles with it. Wedding cake is an extremely potent strain, that you really don't need to smoke a lot of. I'm not a beginner smoker, but I'm not a regular smoker either, and at most I needed 0,25g of wedding cake to get high. I did need to ingest two edibles (2g bud/154g butter used, edibles were the size of a small chocolate chip cookie) though until I got high, but that's because I ate beforehand and I have a slow metabolism. The high I got from smoking was a full on body high, whilst also making me giddy and sociable. The munchies were intense and I didn't really feel like moving at all. I did experience some paranoia, though not too badly. Sleep is heavenly after the high starts lingering down, and woohoo feels awesome too ;) However the high doesn't last too long, around your standard 2-3 hours. While I didn't feel like moving at all when I smoked the bud, ingesting it as an edible was completely different. I feel like for me the sativa really started to have an effect when the high came on, I managed to get tasks done, do selfcare, I was very sociable and energized. Then after like four hours the indica started to take hold, I felt calm and lazy and got the munchies. Currently I'm trying not to zone out while writing this. I did also combine the two during early stages of the edible high - for me I felt the effects of the hybrid more strongly that way; the high the sativa side of the bud brings out at the same time as I felt calmed by the indica high. I was up and talking and walking and laughing, while simultaneously feeling slow and cozy and warm and woozy. It was incredible!! Oh and did I mention, some lofi beats sound incredible when high on this strain, along with a space journey background playing on tv!

Orange Hill Special

Made me feel very nice. I suffer from a shit ton of mental health issues, so feeling nice and calm is very rare for me. I've smoked this strain twice, it makes me feel social, happy, euphoric and hungry. I smoke my weed by rolling a joint and mixing it with a bit of tobacco. The high lasts for 3-4 hours for me, after which it starts to subside. That's when the effects of indica really kick in and I am finally able to dose off to a nice slumber. I really like this strain. Certainly not a strain for day-time use, unless you have nothing to do and are fine with falling asleep. Good for some chill hanging out with friends, but I doubt it'd do you any favours to use at a party/an event where you need to be highly present. Overall this has became one of my favourite strains! :) To add: While smoking I had my period (I suffer from very painful periods due to endometriosis and PCOS) and this strain took most of the pain away. Sure I still felt some pain, but it was barely there. (TMI but also helped with constipation :D)

Hindu Kush

I smoked for the first time since February and man I was so high. I doubt I've ever been this high before, and I felt so great. All my anxiety was gone, I could finally breathe again one side note: your mouth gets extremely dry in my opinion and things start tasting weird