
member since 2017

Recent Reviews5 total

Critical Mass

This is the version with 13% CBD. Oh my god. This is PERFECT. Will update this review if I find differently. The only other CBD heavy strain I tried was Sunkiss CBD. And I rated that highly (4/5). But this is on ANOTHER LEVEL. None of the frail-emotion downside of Sunkiss. In fact, it strengthens emotional stability. IT'S GREAT. IT SMELLS AMAZING - Like FRESH TANGY MARMALADE! Actually I also agree with the following reviews: “This strain makes my entire body numb (forgotten) and fucks with my senses. it's almost as if your body is dead but your brain is still alive 😧” "Definitely can't focus with this, not a clear head strain, it is the opposite though you don't get to be babbling everywhere but you do keep worrying that everybody is looking at you when probably they're not. "

Sunkiss CBD

This is a CBD strain with 8-12% CBD and 6%THC usually. So a 1.5:1 CBD to THC ratio. This thing will NEVER get you anxious. It makes you feel warm and relaxed. Maybe not as relaxing as it could be, but basically perfect. So while it may not pack a punch, it is also possible to use huge quantities of this without feeling ANY anxiety. It's like a benzo, or valium. It IS 1% groggy, so if it was a little more stimulating, it would not be even that 1% groggy and would be more perfect. I'm very impressed with this so far. It's the first CBD heavy strain I've tried, but it's now my new favorite above Purple Kush. You unfortunately cannot mix this with THC heavy strains without getting the anxiety off the THC strains. So if you want the vaunted no-anxiety high, you only get one high with this and that is the Sunkiss CBD high. It really does make you feel SUNKISSED <- That really is the full strength of the effect. Imagine it. It's the same strength. So not packing a punch, but still a huge difference. If it was better it would be even more of a muscle-relaxant, and would be more mentally stimulating. Higher doses of Sunkiss make your entire front half of brain feel flexed. There's a FRAIL-EMOTIONS downside to this - which sometimes makes you feel like a bit of a whiny loser for NO reason if you take TOO MUCH. I wouldn't even have noticed this except that Critical Mass CBD is what I tried after this and it MAKES YOUR EMOTIONAL STABILITY better, versus sunkiss so for that and a couple other reasons I gave Critical Mass CBD 5/5, whereas Sunkiss gets 4/5.

Orange Crush

Super interesting high. So much promise. But it falls short. Let me explain. It actually FEELS like a tangerine kind of day. It EMOTIONALLY COLOURS your day POSITIVELY. And that is AMAZING. Imagine if you could just shift your EMOTIONS into POSITIVE, SUNNY, EMOTIONS. This would be the strain for you. But there's a big flaw: it makes you LOSE TRACK of your thoughts with even a minimal dose. So if you thought you could take this and BE POSITIVE, and get work done, I'm afraid you'll have to think again, DUMBASS!!! You will be positive, bordering on MANIC, but you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET WORK DONE because of the FLAW in this bud which is that it makes it TOO HARD to stay on track of your thoughts. Interestingly, the effects are VERY SIMILAR to a low, half-dose (50microgram dose) of LSD (a non-marijuana based potent Psychedelic), because that compound SIMILARLY makes it impossible to keep track of your thoughts as they wander off, and for the VERY SAME REASON, LSD is not good to work on. LSD is still better to work on than Orange Crush, because Orange Crush moves you into Manic mode more predictably than LSD which does not necessarily move you into manic mode. So it's actually WORSE than LSD on every level, and - let me tell you something - LSD ain't that great for work either, but OC is VERY CLOSE to low-dose LSD. The one thing that makes it better than low-dose LSD is that low-dose LSD lasts 8-15 hours, OC only lasts 4 hours, AND on low-dose LSD it's possible to have a bad trip on low-dose LSD, and on OC, it is not as easy to have a bad trip, it's simply too uplifting. Low-dose LSD can also cause vaso-constriction, whereas OC does not. The only thing that is possible on Orange Crush, because of it's Sativa heritage is to get anxiety and paranoia. OC reminds me of a favorite TV show: The OC. It feels as positive as that TV show did, which is INCREDIBLE. But again, there's this in build flaw in Orange Crush that starts even at tiny doses. And that 1 flaw screws the bud up off what it could be - which is BEYOND PERFECT. It does also PUSH YOU INTO A BORDERLINE MANIC STATE IF YOU TAKE TOO MUCH, which is BAD. But if you take the right amount, you're suddenly emotionally positive. Which is MAGIC. And I wish that was the ONLY effect, but alas it effects your ability to do work, which, to me, makes it SO PROMISING, but ultimately USELESS. If someone could breed the LOSING TRACK OF THOUGHTS MANIC aspect OUT of this bud, I would be in love, as you would now have a bud that JUST shifts your emotions to the right place and does nothing else. You would have THE PERFECT BUD. But this guy packs that second punch of losing track, and that sucks. 3/5, but it has the potential to be 10/5 if someone could breed the manic lost thoughts out of it.


This is a really interesting strain: a LOT of classic-stoner effects, but it pushes all the stoner effects too far, too fast, so none of them are really desirable. Another user called this a sugar rush strain. I 100% agree. It temporarily speeds you up, and then you CRASH into couch-lock. No good. Do you ACTUALLY like sugar-rushes? Me neither. Mark my words: you simply cannot get any work done on this strain, as you become EXTREMELY FORGETFUL extremely quickly. And it lasts quite a long time, 5+ hours. So that's a HUGE downside. You are literally SO FORGETFUL, you have written off work for the day. Then why did I give this a 2-3 star? Because it's still stoning. These are CLASSIC stoner effects, gone too far. But the fact is: YOU GET STONED. The problem is - in order to reach a desired level of EUPHORIA, you have to take more of it, and the BODY STONING EFFECTS at that level are TOO HIGH. So either you don't have euphoria, and have the perfect level of body-stoning, OR you go for the Euphoria and over-shoot the body-stoning, and there are terrible consequences to that. So it's not a well-balanced strain; the body stoning effects are out of whack with the euphoria. Negative effects are there. For example: GENERALISED WEAKENING OF MUSCULATURE: Any muscle feels like it has LESS ENERGY. A lot of the effects below are actually a direct consequence of this. MASSIVELY DRY EYES. Sounds fun, but soon blinking actually hurts, feels like slight sandpaper, or at least directly causes extreme discomfort. LOW EYES, sounds fun, but it makes it difficult to see stuff, because you have to spend MASSIVE energy just to open your eyes. How is that fun? MASSIVE FORGETFULNESS. Sounds fun, until you can't even remember what you were enjoying. This is probably the single biggest flaw of GG#4. MASSIVELY DRY THROAT, sounds fun, until breathing gets irritating. I had a PANIC ATTACK on this, accidentally took too much. The entire right side of my chest felt constricted. The other effects that happened when I got this high were: FURTHER DECREASED PHYSICAL ENERGY IN MUSCLES. I felt like simply flexing any muscles like biceps or moving fingers in fine movement was TOO MUCH WORK. CONSTRICTED BLOOD VESSELS in upper body. All my blood vessels felt like my heart had difficulty pumping through them. DIFFICULTY BREATHING. During my panic attack, in keeping with WEAKENED MUSCLES I had difficulty simply breathing, and my breathing got REALLY SHALLOW. Like almost no chest movement. I feel like I could have died, except my friends were around to massage me to decrease my discomforts.

Purple Medi

I bought this strain called Purple Medi, (aka Medi-Purple), from a dispensary. This is a PAIN RELIEVER and INSTANT SLEEP medicine and NOTHING ELSE. It is probably one of the world's most perfect: pain-relievers. Don't expect any euphoria. This strain is actually just medicine. TL;DR: Purple Medi will forcibly and SAFELY put you into a DEEP, PROLONGED, PAINLESS sleep. That's it. That is a GODSEND to people with medical issues and USELESS to people looking for euphoria. As a PAIN RELIEVER and/or INSTANT SLEEP medicine, it is PERFECT. That this the basis on which I gave it 5 stars - it does its ONE medical function PERFECTLY. End of story. Make no mistake, this is a PERFECT medicine for those who NEED a medicine like this. Thus it DESERVES a 5/5 star as a Medicine. It's got NO recreational value. It's a LIFE-SAVER to those who need it, and TOTALLY USELESS to those who don't need it. Hard, bordering on IMPOSSIBLE, to find this strain on the internet. I will continue to edit this review as I use it more often, so that the World has information on this strain. Nugs are dark purple to ultra-dark green. Incredibly DARK colors. Very frosty nugs up close (aka a lot of thick trichomes), it almost looks like they landed in snow or you pulled them out of a very humid freezer and they're covered in frost. They're so frosty, they actually would LOOK like you FROZE your weed to a passerby. They really look Frozen at room temp. They have a lot of pistils, but they're hard to see because even the pistils (orange bits) are COVERED in trichomes (frost). Effects are SUPER-MEDICAL. In that, for the first 30 mins, you get relaxed feeling where you can still get a little video-watching done, but not much work, but over that time, you begin to feel your brain flexing is the best way I can put it. The sides and front of your brain contract like it's a muscle, or at least it feels that way, and all the pain in your brain disappears. Because it's a PAIN RELIEVER, it's not terribly euphoric. It mostly is just a ridiculously powerful pain reliever with minimal euphoria. It puts you to sleep 1.5hr after use, if you took enough of it. You WILL NOT be able to escape the sleep. Be careful not to take too much, it creeps up on you. About an hour in, the relief moves into your neck and back and lower back. Then it moves to legs, and ankles, and feet (if you take enough). This strain creeps up on you so BE CAREFUL. I OD'd on it once, and it just became too much of a pain-reliever and that was DISCONCERTING, and caused me a headache to think about in such a painless, detached, groggy sleepy state. The only reason this didn't get a PERFECT 5-Star review AS A MEDICINE is that there is absolutely NO euphoria. If you take Valium you get pain relief + EUPHORIA. But Valium is DANGEROUS to take regularly, and can cause amnesia! (!!!!) I've only taken Valium twice, but I REMEMBER Valium. The Euphoria on Valium is nothing short of AMAZING. Valium is the best euphoria in the world. But Valium is basically a poison if taken frequently, so it's not comparable to Purple Medi as a medicine. I certainly am NOT willing to risk taking something as neuro-toxic as Valium again. Purple Medi does EXPONENTIALLY MORE GOOD than Valium medically, but EXPONENTIALLY LESS than Valium recreationally. Purple Medi is TOTALLY SAFE, as far as I can feel, but the price you pay for taking a SAFE medicine is that you don't get any euphoria. So if you JUST want medicine, you got it in Purple Medi. The following day you are back to normal after a long sleep. So the sleep is elongated which, FOR ME, is bad, and unlike some other strains which leave you feeling REFRESHED the following day, this leaves you feeling TOTALLY NORMAL. Which, FOR ME, is worse than refreshed because at least a refreshed feeling is euphoric. And especially because you over-slept, it will make you feel guilty about taking it. Again, this would also be a PERFECT 5/5 medicine for someone who wants to sleep. This is BETTER THAN NyQuil by a mile for knocking you out into an impossible to escape from, deep sleep. This strain is for someone who wants either to be knocked out into a long sleep, AND massive pain relief in the back and brain, and legs, and not much else. That makes it a PERFECT medical compound, but a not so useful recreational compound. Is this strain good for depression or anxiety? Well, during usage your anxiety WILL go away, but you'll feel so medicated, you won't even be able to care that you lost your anxiety, because you're essentially now passing out. So if you're looking for FUNCTIONAL anxiety relief: No. If you're simply looking to pass out: Yes. Is it good for depression? Maybe. It certainly made me feel less depressed, but the anti-depressant effect only relieves 5%-50% of your depression at most. It replaces your lost 50% of depression with feeling REALLY BORED the following day after taking this, because I just lost >>12+ hours to sleep. Personally, I probably won't be looking to use this long term, because I don't have specific medical conditions that this medicine would resolve. But, make no mistake, this is a PERFECT medicine for those who NEED a medicine like this. Thus it DESERVES a 5/5 star as a Medicine. It's got no recreational value.