
member since 2018

Recent Reviews14 total

Fire OG

I am proper wasted! Took 1 hit about 3 hours ago on my small pipe and I’m done. I’ve gone through being happy, motivated, relaxed and now I’m heading towards sleeping. It feels great I just think next time I’ll try a smaller hit so I can function more. I wouldn’t say I’m a beginner smoker, I take 1 or 2 hits a night from a small pipe.


F**k Dude I am dmf***ed. I feel f**kes, I need to sit down. Just press done

Lemon Kush

1 or 2 hits and I’m good. Anything slightly more and it puts me in couch lock. It also gives me quite the munchies. If that was what I was after then great full marks, but alas it is not. It is a pleasurable smoke and the high is smooth coming on. I felt happy, relaxed and generally just pretty chilled out, I just wanted something that didn’t put me in the couch as much. Overall I wouldn’t rush out to buy it again.

Island Sweet Skunk

I have been smoking this for the last few weeks on and off. It gets me a high in a few minutes but it never really makes me feel like doing anything other than laying about or walking slowly around in a daze. The high is nice. For me it’s total cerebral and chilled. My issue with it is that the next day I feel properly out of it. My mind feels foggy and I don’t feel sober or energetic at all. I’ve been smoking daily now for just over a year and this is the first type of weed that has made me feel this way. I am smoking a one hitter at night, sometimes a little more but nothing huge. Maybe it’s just the way this one works out for me. I like the high, I don’t like the next day. I probably wouldn’t buy get it again due to this.

Super Sour Diesel

I’ve bought some small pre rolls from the local dispensary from a company called ‘Jeeter’. I have taken a few hits over the last 2 nights and both times have driven me on some introspective trips. I mean it’s good if you like that which I don’t mind. It’s kind of funny seeing where your mind goes if you point it somewhere. Other than that I would say it isn’t couch lock but generally I’m in no rush to go anywhere, it’s a more chilled, relaxed, happy cerebral high. Rating it from these feelings rather than from the write up I will give it a 4 because it’s not what I was after but it’s a great mind high.


MAC I just got this in bud loaded up my one hitter (approx 12/14mg) and took a decent sized hit, maybe got through a third. I’ve been smoking for about 18months and take a hit most days. Anyway I digress. Yeah this hit pretty quick, maybe 2 minutes or so. I feel pretty laid back, chilled out, happy, euphoric maybe. Actually right now I’m pretty high, like really high! Ummmmm Yeah I’m tripping slightly. Soooooooo yeah not bad. 1hr in and I’m still as high. 2hrs in and I’m more or less back down to earth. I feel mellow and relaxed and I do feel some dizziness but nothing sickly. That was a ride I can happily go on again.

Pineapple Express

This is happening live! I’ve wanted to try this basically after the link to the film of the same name. I’ve loaded up my one hitter which holds approx 12mg, took 1 hit and got through about a third of it. 3 minutes later and I’m writing this and whatever else I’m trying to think about and 10 mins after. Soooooooo. Yeah I’m pretty f**king high right now. The edges of my eyes feel like the vision has invisible bumpers on them. Now and then I get rainbow strobes going down them instead. I guess that counts as pretty f**king high. I feel light headed, calm, relaxed and also I’m sure I would have the energy to do something if I could think what to do. Oh yeah feed the cats. Hello again. I feel good. I nearly laughed at thinking about laughing so you can get the idea of this. My head does feel pressure on my forehead but I can’t decide if it’s nice or not haha. Right I’m ending this here. It feels good, I’ve no complaints. 4 stars! My only thing is that the peak peaks quick and then it’s a mellow come down which makes me feel like I have to smoke more which isn’t bad but not what I want.


Maui This review is for the vape cartridge. I’ve taken 2 hits on this and i can feel it coming up on me. Already I can feel my body a lot more. I can feel a coolness drifting across my forehead. Quite pleasant really haha. I must say I do feel relaxed and also motivated to do something. I have the feeling of just wanting to get up and move as if I’m being pulled to do something/anything. So yes I guess energetic would be a good word. Back to body wise I can only go with my mind right now and that my friend is pretty f**king high right not. So I will just say ‘I can feel my energy flowing through me’. Goodnight 🙇🏻‍♂️ Ok now I’m awake: 3 stars because I’m not rushing back to try Maui again. There was nothing wrong with it but over other strains like Sour Diesel this just wasn’t as good for me.


This review is for AK7 in flower. I smoked about 1 bowl from a pipe. Right now as I walk around the grocery store It feels like there is a beat inside of me. I’m just here shopping away with a beat to my step haha. It’s a nice high, it feels pretty smooth and just an enjoyable ride. It didn’t hit me very quickly but given a few minutes and it takes me up at a nice pace and then just hovers there. I do feel good, happy, relaxed and chilled out. I have some nice energy from this which will take me through the next few hours and I will do whatever it is with a smile. Overall yeah I would happily do this again.

Blue Dream

This review is for the vape I’m smoking. It’s actually a cartridge by ABX. I was really looking forward to trying this. In fact more so than maybe I should and have done of most other things. I read the rave reviews and couldn’t wait to get some. Well I can tell you I feel pretty darn good right now. I’ve taken one hit and it’s about 15/20 minutes later maybe but my body started to feel pretty good after just a few minutes. I do feel really good. There is a warm tingle to my body. I can feel the muscles that are tight after my gym session today. It’s not an uncomfortable feeling, it’s feels warmer than the rest of my body though. I do feel happy, relaxed and not at all stuck to a couch. I do not feel sleepy but I’m not full of energy either. It feels like I have a choice which way I choose to go right now and that just feels great. So does everything to be fair haha. I would buy this again if it was about and I will happily get through this gram. I can’t really say much more about it as it’s my first time trying this strain. I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the ride. Laters 🙋🏻‍♂️. I’ve been smoking for just over a year now. I mix between vape and bud. I do take a hit every day or so but that’s about it. One or two hits is suffice for me, more than that and I’m generally tripping balls.