King Louis
DAMN, was I in pain!!!? ..just finished up my 2 second bowl... and, AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! sooooo much better!! I was easily at an 8/10 on the pain scale tonight, and so agitated... all bad... had my shoulder replaced a little over a year ago and it was absolutely nuts today.. it's now been at least 10 minutes since I've started to type this now.. I really did have an eloquent review thought out, promise.. but that was then, this is now 😁 pain's now 2/10... agitation is pretty much gone.. if you have chronic pain, this is the strain!!!! I live in chronic pain and over the years, I've tried many, many strains... WARNING: DO NOT DRIVE, ALMOST NARCOTIC-LIKE EFFECT 👍👍👍👍👍 (((found this stuff while visiting some family up in 29 Palms, CA... [[[[[[directly from a local grower that had this strain as well as chocaloupe, also masterfully done]]]]]]..