
member since 2015

Recent Reviews2 total


I am currently in my fifth week of flower with four Diablo Strain Indica's. Growth has been interesting with this plant. While this plant was very susceptible to PM unlik my Bay Dream plants, it has been a strong grow. Only a month in veg and it looks like a 7 week flower. Bud is very pungent and should be a great smoke. Let me know if any growers out there need some help. will review again when consumed

Bay Dream

Went through a great grow cycle with this strain. While some of my other Sativa's had received a small amount of PM, the Bule Dream Plant was immune. I grew them with a 5x5x8 foot Gotilla Grow Tent. I use only 5 gallon buckets with a special CoCo mix I created. I uses PH balancing Sensi Grow advanced nutes as my base. I ran a 18/6 veg cycle and in one month was FORCED to flower due to size. They were averaging an inch and a half to two inches a day during veg. Using a 1000w air cooled with an alternate air I take to equal out neg pressure in the tent and also to keep humidity and temp under control. First 2 weeks of veg 400w. Second two weeks 600w then 1000w for flower. I am amazed by the production of buds in this plant. I used a mixture of topping and pinching to top the plants and couldn't be happier. I don't know how to post pictures but will send what I have for anyone looking to grow the strain.