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This is The Single Greatest Dispensary currently in existence, and if you pardon the pun, I ain't blowin' smoke up your @ss!
This is where you could find yourself standing at the counter and look to either side and see "The Dude"!
Staff 10/10 Promos 10/10 Events 15/15
Setting up a dispensary isn't like building a shoddy treehouse as a child!
The Greenhouse is a template on how to get your sh¡t together, prioritize your patrons and the surrounding community over initial profits and then watch, as "CASH FLOW" begins.
This is where to go to get Oak Pharma's Super Boof, the Real Deal Holyfield of the strain, which actually helps soothe horrible GI spasms causing someone to become bedridden.
Other growers sell Super Boof, and it's instantly clear that it might have sat next to some Super Boof, but has none of the properties found in the specific strain.
High Life Farms also has the correct strain, in a fantastic AIO vape pen and possibly as flower, I am not sure.
I do know that I only encountered the AIO once, and they don't seem to be able to restock that specific AIO from HLF.
Stay Safe And Always Be Kind!