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The team at Good Chemistry Nurseries is proud to produce premium small batch cannabis. We’re a passionate, experienced team who believes that cannabis use can make life better for all of us.
tl;dr From one of the best price/quality balances in Denver to one of the worst. Deals confirmed by phone don't necessarily exist. Owner lies about information verifiable to any cannabis consumer in the city. Don't waste your time.
Everyone jacked prices on flower at the beginning of the pandemic, but most places have come down. I started coming in 2019 when this place was at 90/oz. That was an unparalleled deal then, for the quality. Now they're still trying to charge $150 (pretax) for preweigh eighths that you can't inspect, compared to 90 for about the same quality at The Health Center.
I thought they still had a good deal on cartridge refills, so I called ahead to confirm and was told yes, still 8g for 120. When I got there, I was told that was for wax and the refill syringes were 160. Even their ATM fee was septupled from less than a year ago. Idk if it was sold to a greedy corporate chain or what, but I'm done here unless there's a great deal IN PRINT.
On Google, the owner posted a response to someone who hadn't had the pleasure of calculating Colorado pot tax in his head. "Colorado law allows us only to advertise pre-tax pricing". THIS IS A LIE. Check any Westword and half of the pot ads advertise "OTD" (out the door) pricing, as they have done for years. From two to one stars you go.
I'm sad to have had to edit a 5-star review from a couple years ago. To any frontline employees reading this, I'm sorry, everyone I've actually interacted with has been friendly, helpful, and with the one exception, knowledgeable. You can only do what the capital owners allow...