279 total articles - Page 26 of 28
How to Contact Leafly with Tips and Leaks
Ben Adlin - Published on January 31, 2016Read moreIs there a story you’d like to see? Do you know something we don’t know? Our writers and editors want to hear from you. tips@leafly.com
Medical Cannabis Headed Back to Florida Ballot
Ben Adlin - Published on January 29, 2016Read moreCampaign organizers announced this week that they’ve secured more than enough signatures to qualify Amendment 2 for the November election.
Oregon Sees Consumption Rise, Arrests Plummet
Ben Adlin - Published on January 28, 2016Read moreA first-ever report on cannabis use by residents gives a snapshot of Oregon residents’ attitudes and behaviors at the dawn of a new era.
Oregon Edibles May Soon Be Half-Strength
Ben Adlin - Published on January 27, 2016Read moreWorried about youth use and accidental overconsumption, officials could set edible THC limits at half those of Washington and Colorado.
Clinton Vows Tepid Leadership on Cannabis
Ben Adlin - Published on January 26, 2016Read moreWith more Americans than ever in favor of legalization, the presidential candidate has offered only safe, mealy-mouthed statements on cannabis.
Changing Perspectives: A Q&A With Vermont’s Cannabis-Friendly Former Lawman
Ben Adlin - Published on January 19, 2016Read moreFormer state Attorney General Kimberly Cheney recently declared his support for Vermont’s push to become the first state to legalize through the legislative process.
When Police Work the Drug War’s Dark Side
Ben Adlin - Published on January 16, 2016Read moreHere are six examples of law enforcement officers getting caught on the wrong end of drug busts.
French Drug Trial Tested Endocannabinoid Meds, Not Cannabis
Ben Adlin - Published on January 15, 2016Read moreGlobal media thought a cannabis drug was behind a clinicial trial that left four with brain damage. It wasn’t.
Cannabis May Soon Come to Pharmacies in Israel
Ben Adlin - Published on January 13, 2016Read moreReforms would increase the number of licensed growers and physicians in order to address a bottleneck in patient access.
Behind the Big Ban: Why California Towns Are Scrambling to Oust Dispensaries
Ben Adlin - Published on January 13, 2016Read moreA typo in California’s new medical cannabis law threatening patients’ access to medicine and underscoring a deep cultural rift in the state.