470 total articles - Page 33 of 47
Will Ohio Vote to Legalize Cannabis? The Leafly Legalization Roundup
Lisa Rough - Published on November 2, 2015Read moreNovember could bring about major change – don’t forget to vote! While you figure out how to fill in your ballot, catch up on the latest cannabis news from across the globe.
Ireland Considers Major Drug Policy Shift That Includes Decriminalizing Cannabis
Lisa Rough - Published on November 2, 2015Read moreIreland is looking to make a radical cultural shift in how they handle drug policy on the Emerald Isle in an effort to refocus on the medical, compassionate side of drug use.
How to have the best Halloween possible with weed
Lisa Rough - Published on October 31, 2015Read moreHere’s a handy step-by-step guide to pulling off the perfect Halloween complete with weed strain suggestions.
Bernie Sanders Makes It Official: It’s Time to End Federal Cannabis Prohibition
Lisa Rough - Published on October 29, 2015Read moreBernie Sanders gave a speech at George Mason University, with the 2016 U.S. presidential candidate officially calling for the end of federal cannabis prohibition.
Canada’s Green Rush: An Interview with Jodie Emery, the ‘Pot Princess of Vancouver’
Lisa Rough - Published on October 29, 2015Read moreWe sat down with Jodie Emery, known as the “Pot Princess of Vancouver,” to discuss what the future holds for cannabis in Canada and what’s in store for her Cannabis Culture business.
Brookings Institute Report Denounces War on Drugs
Lisa Rough - Published on October 28, 2015Read moreThe Brookings Institute, one of the most prolific research and education nonprofit associations in the U.S., has come forward in favor of ending the War of Drugs.
Could Canada Usher in a New Era for Cannabis? The Leafly Legalization Roundup
Lisa Rough - Published on October 26, 2015Read moreA monumental week for Canada means that the new Prime Minister has got a lot of work ahead of him, but he’s got many backers sending support and advice on legalizing cannabis.
Which Cannabis Strain Pairs Best With Your Zodiac Sign?
Lisa Rough - Published on October 25, 2015Read moreWhether you’re as stubborn as a ram, as dramatic as a lion, or as balanced as a scale, we’ve got a cannabis strain for you! So sit back, relax, and watch your stars and strains align.
Cannabis Banking Efforts Take Another Blow
Lisa Rough - Published on October 24, 2015Read moreThe legal cannabis industry took another financial blow after the U.S. Federal Reserve announced that chartering a bank specifically for funds from cannabis businesses is “criminal.”
Canada Wins a New Cannabis-Positive Prime Minister
Lisa Rough - Published on October 20, 2015Read moreAfter nearly 10 years of Stephen Harper as the incumbent Conservative Prime Minister, Harper will be stepping down and Justin Trudeau will become the new Prime Minister of Canada.