Spring and summer are just around the corner—and so are the best times to buy your tickets to escape the US for a bit. But where in the world should a stoner go?
The answer: Barcelona, Spain; Berlin, Germany; Bangkok, Thailand, venerable Amsterdam, and even Slovenia, or Prague.
International Cannabis Business Conference director Alex Rogers runs down the latest weed travel news with Leafly Senior editor David Downs in this video below. The surprise star of 2025 is once-restrictive Germany, he said.
Spark one in Berlin
“The crazy thing is in Germany they are buck wild in that you can smoke on the street in Germany.”
Alex Rogers, director, International Cannabis Business Conference
Rogers produces canna-biz conferences in Barcelona March 13, and Berlin April 29 and 30th. [link] He said Berlin now has smoking spots like Barcelona.
“I know a lot of people that are making social lounges in Berlin—party spots where people come and it’s just a weed party. You smoke your weed and have no problems at all,” he said. “So, it feels very accessible in Berlin. It already did. And now it feels like it’s just completely all out, 100% fully legalized.”
Blaze in Barcelona

Barcelona remains epic—just watch out for police in public.
“Barcelona has some great weed. I ain’t gonna lie. Or the hash, it’s all absolutely magical.”
However, “You definitely don’t want to be smoking weed on the street when the cops are around.”
See Slovenia
Rogers says: “It is an extremely open city for cannabis. So Prague’s wide open, too.”
“It’s very progressive for weed in general in the Czech Republic.”
Rogers recommends early to late spring or early fall for the optimal European trip mixing fair weather and fewer crowds.
Roll up in Thailand
Despite some murmurs of walking back cannabis reform in Thailand, the country appears to be welcoming once again this year.
“There’s shops everywhere with THC cannabis. And so I think things are wide open again in Thailand. And the weather’s nice.”
Where in the world do you want to blaze in 2025? Leave a comment below.