This article is brought to you by PrestoDoctor, a convenient solution for medical marijuana evaluations in Missouri.
As more and more people seek out medical cannabis in a society that hasn’t quite normalized it, there’s one question that stays on the minds of many: “Is there a way to get my medical marijuana card online?”
PrestoDoctor has helped more than 100,000 patients in California, Nevada, New York, and Oklahoma, and now, they’ve started building their community in Missouri. The startup fights the stigma surrounding the use of medical cannabis and helps make the process less daunting for patients trying to navigate Missouri’s medical cannabis card process through telemedicine – a method of remote diagnosis and treatment online.
By providing easy, fast, and private medical marijuana recommendations through teledocs, PrestoDoctor allows patients to complete their visits over secure video chat on their computer or smartphone. Whether they physically can’t get to a doctor or simply want to maintain a high level of confidentiality, patients can worry less about how they’ll get their MMJ recommendation and focus more on their care and its outcomes.
Increasing access to medical marijuana physicians with online video chat
While the qualifying conditions for receiving a medical marijuana recommendation vary from state to state, Missouri’s list includes conditions like cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, psychiatric disorders, chronic and severe pain, and muscle spasms.

(Courtesy of PrestoDoctor)
With the widespread nature of these conditions, it is essential that medical marijuana providers offer a range of comfortable care options for patients to choose from while making sure that they don’t feel too overwhelmed. The system cannot work without educated medical professionals open to the idea of prescribing cannabis and helping patients find the right dosage and intake formats. But for some patients, finding the right doctor is easier said than done.
In states where it can be hard to find a doctor that believes in cannabis medicine, easily accessible health services like these make the difference between someone beginning their journey with medical marijuana and someone who gives up hope that they’ll ever be able to try it due to a long commute or general confusion.
With PrestoDoctor, patients simply sign up, choose an appointment time for their video chat, and receive their recommendation if they are approved. And since PrestoDoctor only charges a fee upon approval, curious minds can go into the process risk-free.
Erasing stigma, one online medical card at a time
Along with their business operations, PrestoDoctor’s goal to destigmatize marijuana use could make a significant impact on how we operate as a society, minimizing the shame that often compounds itself on medical marijuana patients. Patients often feel guilty for wanting to try medical weed because they’re afraid their doctors will think they simply want to get their hands on illicit drugs.
PrestoDoctor refuses to prescribe to such a mentality and hopes to eradicate it as time goes on, more medical professionals get comfortable with cannabis, and more people experience the benefits of medical marijuana.

(Courtesy of PrestoDoctor)
Until it’s more mainstream, PrestoDoctor provides information for every aspect of the medical marijuana experience to help patients feel supported, comfortable, and, most importantly – believed.
In addition to offering appointments with their hand-picked physicians, PrestoDoctor has a wealth of online resources to help patients choose the best strains and products for them. All of the information that’s available online is reinforced within the doctor and patient relationship where unique treatment plans are made for every patient that receives a recommendation – creating an ecosystem where both doctor and patient feel confident in a way to move forward.
The cannabis teledoc earning every 5-star review
With so many satisfied patients, PrestoDoctor’s services have created the social proof that many new patients need to start wading into the world of cannabis and getting their Missouri medical marijuana card online – and there’s plenty of proof. Thousands of people have shared their stories via online reviews, instilling hope in future patients searching for evidence that medical marijuana can help them too.

The reviews make one thing clear – PrestoDoctor’s emphasis on selecting the right doctors for patients to connect with is working not just in their favor, but for thousands of medical marijuana patients all over the country.