With 4/20 fast approaching, this year will be the year that I finally roll and smoke a cross joint. And Seth Rogen’s going to be the man to lead me to the promised land.
In this video, Seth gives us step-by-step instructions on how to roll the perfect cross joint. He also does it so quick and efficiently that if you can’t even roll a single joint, you wonder what’s wrong with you. Is this a talent he developed over the years? Was it passed down through genetics? Why is he better than me? Than us?
Regardless of the answers to the questions above, watch this instructional video of Rogen rolling a cross joint (we’d embed it but it’s age-restricted, so you gotta click through), study it closely, and then when 4:20 pm on April 20th hits, light your cross J, put it in high in the air, and just know that somewhere in the world, I’m doing the exact same. Do you feel that? That’s the feeling of our spirits becoming one. We’re family now.