
member since 2019

Recent Reviews9 total

Green Crack

GC is one of my top 3 “go to sativas. The strain by itself is exactly what a “sativa” should exemplify. It smells like pine sol and diesel fuel, tastes like citrus, pinene, limonene, or myrcene, and gives a cerebral boost with laser-like focus to the user. I currently have a bag of infused “Super Shake” —Green Crack and Shortbread—produced by Good Day Farms. Take GC, mix it with the Shortbread strain, then infuse it all with terps and thc oil. It’s amazing!


I seriously don’t understand the obsession with GG. It tastes like actual peppered dirt. It’s a great strain for triggering bi-polar episodes, then rendering you completely useless and incapable of doing literally anything other than trying your hardest to stay awake. If you’re into that sort of thing, then this is the strain for you. I personally don’t get the appeal, and this is the first negative review I’ve ever written. Just my opinion. Been medicating for 23 years.

Lilac Diesel

This strain just reinvigorated my faith and hope in humanity. The flavor is heavenly. The high is heady, but not overpowering or overwhelming. Good for thinking. Seemingly helps with pain. We highly recommend.

Lemon Tree

We expected a bit more from this strains profile. Considering the pedigree, we were expecting an onslaught of creativity and constructive energy. Instead we got that thing where you’d be cool with leaving the compound, but you’re too blasted to go anywhere. Then, after a few good laughs, and emptying our snack pantry, we hit the rack for a near comatose twelve hours of sleep. Like, don’t even set an alarm, folks. You’re sleeping. Might as well accept it. Otherwise, the Lemon Tree smelled absolutely beautiful. We encountered the saucy concentration variety during our endeavor. It was a worthy battle. The lemon tree will squeeze your eyes, gang. So, stay sharp. You can fight it with low doses. Best of luck, team!


We’re all a part of the team here. And I want you all to know…I couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you. I found this strain to be very tactical and easy to carry. When deployed via the RAW smoking device, the result is a dense cloud that will hover in place for roughly 1.3 secs. Once inhaled, the cerebral onslaught of creativity will quickly turn its victim into a useless shell of their normal selves. When that happens, just deploy more. The effects, although couch heavy at times, can and will ail your anxieties until the rest of the Avengers arrive as backup. Just sit tight and have a good convo with your best pal or your best gal. We fully endorse this weapon of creative production.

Blue Galaxy

Straight up...this strain makes you want to Red Box. And by Red Box, yes, I do mean renting DVDs from a robot shaped like a tiny video store and lives in the Walgreens parking lot. Firstly Gang...make sure you always have a buddy when ingesting cannabis this potent. You might have a one of those micro seizures that’s mistaken for “spacing out”. There are no battles that can’t be won if you team up and believe in your dreams. Plus, if a team member is with you, you can have all of the societal induced micro triggers that your body can handle. This particular strain tastes and smells like what would happen if Fruity Pebbles, Fruit Loops, Crunch Berries, and the lesser known unexpected “Special K: Red Berries And Yogurt”, had some sort of National Berry Summit where they came together and agreed that these would be the Berries that Blue Galaxy would smell and taste like. And yes, I’m talking about the cereals. Not the strains. Bc, to my knowledge, there isn’t a “Special K: Red Berries And Yogurt” cannabis strain. I admit I could be wrong. So, maybe after this review I’ll radio back to stark tower and get an updated sitrep. Now, make sure your eyes are sharp, bc this shit packs a wallop. If you’re not careful, you could end up in your car, in the parking lot at your office, and writing a review on Leafly at 0300hrs, instead of being at home with your family like a normal citizen. So there you have it. The Cap highly recommends. But watch your six, this stuff is not for beginners. 👍

Strawberry Cough

Just got our hands on some of this for our arthritis and nerve pain relief...and as veterans...let us just say with confidence that this is possibly the most beautiful flower we’ve ever smoked. BUT...don’t be fooled, team! It’s light tasting, but dense and full.....Full of taste and full of straight up THC. So, be careful if cannabis is new to your diet. If you’re a grown adult who knows what they like and what they don’t, you can’t go wrong on this one for taste and smell. For potency, expect nothing short of instant cerebral games...that you might not know how to play. Eyes sharp! Because this strain will punch you in the face. Yes. We remember what we said about it being beautiful to smoke. However, when that beautiful taste fades away from your palate, this strain will straight up punch you.....right in the face and or head region. You might become dizzy. You’ll possibly wrestle with your balance. Very invigorating if you’re into F35 fighter jet types of invigoration. Like that. It can be so intense that you forget to breathe and lose oxygen for a second or two. Not long enough to fall asleep. Just long enough to doze off and then come to, except...when you come to...you’re upside down... and your head weighs more than your body. That type of nonsense. You know the drill, soldiers. We hope this helps! Also, we sampled this in a 2G shatter soaked RAW Pre-roll which was also rolled in keefs and then sealed in a tube. Our experiences might not be the same, but that doesn’t mean we’re not in this together. Until next time....

Sour Diesel

Sour D should be the baseline measurement for a sativa strain. It is for me, anyway. I measure all sativas by the Diesel. Perfect all day smoke. Never lets down. Not for beginners, tho. The flowers produce very dense smoke and the smell is so pungent...it singes the nostrils....”I’m not going to lie, Bryan. That smells like pure gasoline.”

Pineapple Trainwreck

This strain is dependable and reliable for that much needed neural surge. Just when you think you’ve lost the battle, it will pick you up without being too strong, politely ask you to be creative, and then muscle you down for a long ice nap. I highly recommend this strain. 😁