
member since 2012

Recent Reviews8 total

Lemon Skunk

Really like this strain, particularly for its pleasant taste and scent. Works well in a vaporizer, and doesn't overwhelm the room. I like to mix it with other strains to create a custom high that relieves my pain while allowing me to remain productive and cognizant. Nice one to have around to enhance other strains or use alone.

Pineapple Express

Really enjoy this strain. Excellent for starting out the day. If you go overboard with it, though, it can trigger some anxiety, which is no fun because it can last quite awhile (and we all know how our sense of time is rather elastic while buzzing). I plan to make this a "staple" in my medicine box.

Mexican Sativa

(NOTE FROM SCRIBE: He is so out of control with laughter and nonsense that he inhaled a chip, is possessed with the giggles that make a lunatic seem lucid, and keeps screaming that he JUST CAN'T STOP! and that it's killing him.) Below is an exact transcript of the events following the consumption of this strain: HIM: Cushy like fawn legs…I have monkey legs! I have monkey legs!! Monkey fawn legs!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LUIETENT DAN! YOU GOT NEW LEGS! ICE CREAM!!! LT DAN ICE CREAM!! NEW MONKEY LEGS!! My legs are soft monkey legs. It’s nice. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA I feel like a fat southern gay guy! Where is this accent coming from?! OH MY GOD!! He’s staring at me AGAIN! THE CAT My body won’t do what I tell it to! It just lays there and giggles! THIS IS DEBILITATING! I CAN’T OPEN THE FOOD!! I can’t help it! This is awesome!! Oh help the cat! He’s digging in the dip!! I apprehended him! I told his sassy little ass to get back (snort! Crunch!) EXCESSIVE MIRTH!! WHAT DID YOU GIVE ME? WHY DOES THE HINDU CAT KEEPS STARING ME?

Pineapple Trainwreck

He sees rows upon rows of elk antlers, interlaced across the ceiling. And he's not even a hunter. Tallyho! (signed, his secretary, as he is VERY indisposed at the moment).

Sensi Star

Hits hard, then gets you hard. Make necessary preparations for the subsequent explosive orgasm. Don't attempt to move afterward, lest you sustain serious head injury pursuant to the sudden loss of cabin pressure in your skull. Just lie still...when you regain consciousness, the room should have had sufficient time to right itself.

Strawberry Diesel

Really enjoy this strain. This is my first time with it, and I am pleased with its aroma, taste and overall effect. It makes me feel fuzzy around the edges, but still able to focus and work, so long as I don't overindulge. Good evening strain, helps relax and does help with chronic pain, although that doesn't seem to be its top effect. Anyway, it's good to mix with a full indica for bedtime use (for those of us who can't sleep due to pain, etc), or with a charged sativa for a potent but effective daytime blend. I will definitely be seeking this one out again soon.

Strawberry Fields Colorado Springs

Strawberry Fields is as good as it gets when it comes to MMJ dispensaries. In a town where dispensaries are a dime a dozen, SF really stands out from the crowd. Knowledgeable, friendly staff, professionalism in every aspect, a huge selection of quality products and a comfortable, well-appointed atmosphere come together to create the ideal experience. I heartily and confidently recommend SF for all your MMJ needs.

Levity Wellness

Levity Wellness is the epitome of professionalism and kindness. I've always had a great experience here. The staff is knowledgeable and happy to help in every way, never making you feel rushed or like you have too many questions. They are my primary (caregiver) dispensary -- I switched just to be able to work with them as a member -- and I couldn't ask for better service or a better product.