Amnesia reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Amnesia.
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Good sativa strain for morning use
Vaporized at 205 ° C. Really balanced strain. As I felt content and euphoric, a tingling went up from the legs towards the arms. After that I went into a relaxed state but still able to do some things, even though I would have preferred to sit on the sofa and watch something on TV.
Euphoric and uplifting without a foggy or lethargic feeling.
By far one of my favorite strains
A pretty unique high.
Strong sour smell and pleasant smoke to me, not too harsh on the throat, a great strain for that. The high from a water bong was quick onset, doesn't make the heart race but is quite energizing with a really nice body buzz. Felt strong and made me sweat for some reason, but low anxiety at the peak which actually seems to be about 10-15 minutes. Happy thoughts and good for unwinding. Doesn't last very long though. And it's hypnotic but not great for concentration. You do really get forgetful too lol.
It does last longer vaped, and I thought this was the best strain so far for vaping I tried. More of a psychedelic head high at first with lots of visuals and later develops into a great light body high where you just feel fantastic, like an orgasmic sensation and tingling.
I would get more of this for sure quite happily but it wouldn't be a regular staple of mine.
August 1, 2019
cerebral. euphoric. silly.
Great high, nice to mix with a bit of lemon. Gets you up and going, but I don't really remember everything after I've smoked it😂
October 6, 2015
Quite a nice strain, long high and you'll get the munchies