Bandana reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Bandana.
Bandana strain effects
Bandana reviews
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Smells awesome, burns awesome, tastes awesome and awesome high..
Honestly best bud I've smoked. 👌🏽
If your T is about average, you don't need very much of this strain to get your way
July 29, 2015
stoned af
I quite love this strain! A fruity but woodsy smell and a very pungent flavor. Made me feel relaxed and have the giggles. Also helped take my period pains away. It was sticky and had a good amount of keef too! Would suggest!
Cut I got is simply beautiful. Smells so pungent, it reminds me of boat fuel and a forest. Very crisp and clean smell. Buds were pretty dense with pinkish orange hairs covering them. The taste is just like the smell but takes more to the earthy flavor ide say, but in no way covers up that nice pungent taste. Effects for me were pretty fast acting and calming. Made me talk a good amount and laughing came a lot easier. Wouldn't use for anxiety but can help take the edge off. The first effects were a mild euphoria with a light warming body relaxation that felt sort of floaty. Lasts longer than the majority of strains. Towards the end, after 2-3 hours, i felt just very relaxed. Would definitely want to try again👉👉👌🏻
One of the best strains for anxiety. My mind is just calm and focus without the dizzy feeling.
This girl is tricky! When I was at the dispensary and gave it a smell and look test, passed look test, almost didn't pass smell. The flower I was smelling had no hint of Banana OG in it, smell wise. It smells VERY Headband like in the jar, witch is fine because I'm all about Headband, but I was wary. I decided to go with instinct and grabbed up some, and I am very happy I did! After breaking it up in a grinder, and taking a closer whiff, I started to smell some nana funk!! Took about 3 hits and was pleased as pie! It initially has the Headband pungent taste, followed by a very pleasant but light banana taste. On exhale, the sweet banana flavor peeps through and it is nice and smooth and sweet! Effects are almost instant and very cerebral, good day time meds. I may actually stock up on this lady, she is good for my anxiety!