Blue Dream reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blue Dream.

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October 24, 2022
for a sativa dominant strain it definitely feels more like indica. it numbs my head (which is GREAT for my migraines) and helps tremendously with my insomnia. this is the first time i’ve been able to sleep a full night in weeks. i will say this strain is a lot smellier than others i’ve tried. it’s the first dab cartridge i’ve had that makes whatever it’s in smell LOUD. the cottonmouth that results from this isn’t the greatest thing for me. it is nice that i didn’t get the munchies from this. the high lasts for HOURS which is nice. overall I’d give it a 7/10.
July 12, 2023
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This shit made my husband come for the first time. Finally. When we said our vows, I thought, sure, this should be easy. But no, and when I could not provide, Blue Dream was there. One puff and the craziest boner I’ve ever seen stood tall like the twin towers before they fell. That’s right, two. I cannot recommend this strain enough if you want to come like your wife hates you. Chow!
September 16, 2023
If you have the time, you can read the next 14,000+ reviews. But, I can save you the effort. I just opened a 1/2oz. of Blue Dream. Absolutely incredible. Don't bother reading anything else. This strain is unequivocally Top Drawer cannabis. Indulge yourself if you can. Best buds I've seen and consumed in four decades of dedicated smoking. Instantly made the world okay. If you see need to try it. You won't be disappointed and will be right here writing an awesome review about it just like me!
July 9, 2024
Hit fast but smoothly. Head buzz, not the best of you need focus. Body feels great, no pain. Felt the sativa side at the end. great way to start your day.
September 10, 2024
Alright, so picture this: it’s late at night, maybe like 2 AM, and my buddy and I are just chilling on the bed, smoking some **Blue Dream**. We’re both lying there, staring at the ceiling, feeling the usual smooth high starting to creep in. You know how it goes—everything’s nice and mellow, the room feels soft, and the walls are starting to look a little more, uh, wavy than usual. So we’re just vibing, right? Talking about nothing in particular. I think we were debating if cereal is technically soup or something like that. Anyway, suddenly, out of nowhere, the entire room starts glowing. Like, *actually* glowing. I’m talking full-on, blinding white light that feels like it’s coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. We both look at each other like, “Yo… is this the strain? Or…?” Before we can even process what’s happening, we feel this *pull*, like gravity just got turned up to eleven, and the next thing I know, we’re being lifted off the bed. I swear to you, I thought I was about to ascend to another dimension or some wild extraterrestrial nonsense. I remember saying, “Dude, I think we’re getting abducted,” and he just looks at me, eyes wide, and goes, “No way, bro. This is it.” Suddenly, we’re floating in this weird tunnel of light, and I’m hearing what sounds like whale songs mixed with elevator music. It was honestly kind of peaceful, except for the fact that I’m *freaking out*. My buddy? Totally calm. He’s just like, “Yo, this is kinda cool,” while I’m over here trying to figure out if we’re about to be probed or turned into lab rats. Then, just as quickly as it started, we’re in what I can only describe as the inside of a spaceship. Classic UFO vibe—metallic walls, blinking lights, some weird alien technology that looked like it was straight out of an old sci-fi movie. And right in front of us? Two little grey aliens with big ol’ eyes, just staring at us. I swear one of them *winked* at me. My brain is doing backflips trying to make sense of this, but my buddy? He’s all chill and just goes, “Sup?” to the aliens, like we’re in a bar or something. The aliens don’t say a word, just kind of tilt their heads, and then—get this—they hand us a *bong*. A freaking *alien bong*. At this point, I’m too confused to argue, so we both take a hit, and BAM. We’re back on the bed, just lying there, staring at the ceiling like nothing happened. For a solid five minutes, we didn’t say anything. We’re just blinking, trying to figure out if we actually just got abducted by aliens or if that was the most intense Blue Dream trip of our lives. Finally, I break the silence and go, “Dude… what just happened?” And my buddy, without missing a beat, says, “I think we just got blessed by the intergalactic weed gods.” We both burst out laughing, and that’s when I realized it was probably just the Blue Dream messing with us. Or, you know, maybe we *did* get abducted. Who’s to say? Either way, that strain took us on a ride, and I’m not even mad about it.
July 24, 2024
This strain made me fall in love to cannabis. Friday afternoon I decided to light this guy up at the park to see how my day would go high. Previously I only consumed a bit of cannabis in the evenings after work. I kid you not, I took 3 puffs and started walking around and the sun rays made my skin feel EUPHORIC. The rest of day was filled with optimism and hope I’ve never had on any substance. Great for depression, stress, and PTSD without putting you out for the count.
April 17, 2022
My tolerance is super high due to medical issues and RSO use. I was looking for something that made me just feel good. This right here, is that 80’s euphoric high. Everything is just, GOOD. My favorite. I have chronic pain, and Trauma. This strain doesn’t make me anxious. If I became anxious? I don’t even think I’d care. Happy toking!
March 30, 2023
Good sativa strain to help you focus. Cerebral effects with little mental haze. I feel focused and somewhat energized but calm. If you want a heavy high, this is not it. But if you want to function and microdose without causing negative attention to yourself by visually being impaired this is perfect. Tastes amazing and smells amazing in my new flower vaporizer, was perfect bud to get used to the vape as it’s not really strong and trying to tune your dose won’t leave you regretting that you misgauged it. It’s very forgiving in consumption if you take more than your usual with other buds

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