Bruce Banner reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Bruce Banner.

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March 25, 2016
Normally, I take a bit of time to give a full, eloquent, and complete review of a strain, when I decide to do one. I mean, I really wanna do it with this strain, but... I just smoked a giant bowl (via bong).. and now I'm completely absorbed by Devo, dancing around like crazy to it. Are you sold, yet?
February 28, 2014
More on the intense side, where as something like "Blue Daddy" is a relaxed high. Positive: doesn't cause "munchies", improved focus, strong Negative: can cause ringing in the ears and loss of balance. Like or Love?: LIKE
March 12, 2016
I barely remember the last time I did the banner. This 1/4 from TGS is rated @25% Thc and brings back the mellow high memories and why I like it so much. Fully functional and chill. Lovely ns
September 3, 2019
(730 word review) Haven't even smoked any yet!! And i'm psyched! I've never had Bruce Banner before... so I saw that my delivery guy had it, and then of course i looked up a rating on Leafy! Boom 4.6 rating!! Damn! Ok, breaking up some bud now. It's so sticky!!The smell is wonderful and intense. Reminds me of Sour Diesel a lil bit. It has some pine scent, a little flowery petrol vibe... minus the bad fumes. Ok. Gonna pack a bowl and smoke some!! Here we go!! So, i just took a big ripe in real time, and i'm just gonna start writing and wait and see what happens and how. It hit nice. Not rough. It smokes clean and pure. I had some schwag weed the other day and it was rough as shit. Blah. This is the opposite experience. I'm about 3 minutes in, literally. And i do feel it starting to float into my awareness. It actually started in the center of my chest. I had a mild warm sensation. Then i felt it start to creep my frontal lobe, then jaw, to behinds the ears, and into my cheeks which now feel warm and fuzzy... it's very pleasant. Very uplifting and focusing. I was dead exhausted not 20 minutes ago. I've already trained clients and worked out twice today, and its not even 2:00pm. I still feel the tired. But it is now accompanied by a wonderful fuzzy warm beehive type feeling in my whole body, especially my neck cheeks and arms... nope wait, thats me on fire... ha! Kidding. No fire. But seriously. I do feel the body high of this. In one of the reviews a guy just wrote in ALL CAPS THAT HE WAS SO HIGH!! And now i see why. I'm stoned . Really stoned. And i'm a veteran of the green. I do 90% thc oils, dabs, hash, concentrates and edibles.... so usually when i smoke, i get mild meh high... Bruce Banner has gamma rays in it. I'm turning green. Growing in confidence. Reaching for more... wait, no... thats me turning into a plant. I'm a plant person now. So high and bombarded by extremely energetic thc particles that I've gone done it, like when Rick turned himself into Pickle Rick. Watch Rick and Morty. Anyways... I cant spell for shit on this weed. I've had to use spell check to check possible checks checked off, to gets the words right. Like simple words. Like simple. I spelled simpel. And usually missing the only a.... 'usully'. U sully. Wtf:) It must be the weed. Even Bruce got dumb when he became the Hulk. So there it is.... Bruce Banner IS the HULK. And the Hulk is Bruce Banner. So in theory this weed could be called HULK. Or the Hulk within... because you definitely go through some changes when you smoke this weed. Now for instance... im rageful and i want to smash things... and I sure as shit didn't read that in any reviews. Jesh. Go figure. So the first half of the high is all smart and sciencey, in control, no torn shirts or pants, can talk to women, charming even. But then later in the high... Hulk comes out. No.. none of that happened. I just was kinda going with that riff. Well... cause i'm high and having fun... and that's the whole damn point for me. Cause it seems that everything else in my life feels so damn serious all the time... even play! WTF! Soo.. im not sure how long ive been writing this review? The high is still going very strong. No signs of backing off. Very heady now. And the body sensation is still there... very nice. And i didnt even pull two tubes....!! Just one....!!! So... what will this weed be like on the re-up??? you know. Cause some weed strains do not pick you up again if you smoke that second round... or they do only very mildly. I don't even want to do a second round... im cereal. There is no need... And whats makes this whole experience even better is that my neighbor is listening to Eddie Murphy's Raw, and i can hear it through the door... and he's doing the "You ain't got no Ice Cream..." bit. Hi, I'm Bruce Banner Wanna a lick? Sike...! Love, The Hulk
June 15, 2020
Bruce Banner is my new favorite strain. It provides relief from stress and tension from PTSD. I have severe asthma and this strain doesn't irritate my lungs. It's high in THC so a little goes a long way. I would only smoke this if I had the choice. Also, no munchies or paranoia. Just bliss and relief.
June 8, 2019
We thought this bud was pretty heavy and strong right away. First thought for Eric was how well it tasted. Super high but super focused said AJ. I do feel less stressed almost mind calming.
June 1, 2018
To preface this bad review, I'll mention that I'm prone to anxiety and paranoia on some high THC strains. I'm already being treated for anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This baby takes my anxiety and cranks it up a notch or 5. I've given this several tries. I can see how some people without my predispositions would find it energizing and make them productive. -cyf
September 6, 2018
This comes in second to my beloved Blueberry Muffins. It has just the right initial body high that I adore but goes mostly head high pretty quickly. The taste is fruity but crisp. I did not feel the usual "FEED ME" that I do with strains heavy on indica. I got ish done. I can see this one being good for ADD, OCD, anxiety, and general wellbeing. A good day high. I did not feel out of control of this high at any point. I can, as with The Goddess Muffins of Blueberry, see myself overindulging in pursuit of an idea on this one. It gets my muse good and slick.

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