Cream Caramel reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Cream Caramel.
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- Enjoyable to smoke with a sweet, nutty taste.
- Went on a walk in a park and had what would be described as a 'euphoric' experience.
x Caused excessive tiredness
x Caused my buddy to suffer from migraines every time we smoked
Cepa genial, sufro de insomnio crónico que va a oleadas. Probé está cepa por los efectos que había leído, y si no solo me ayudó con eso sí no también con el estrés y ansiedad que estaba pasando últimamente. El sabor ciertamente recuerda a la miel con unos matices terrosos que se hacen muy agradables al mezclarse. El efecto puede ser algo excesivo para consumidores novatos, así que controlar la dosis es importante para esa gente con poca tolerancia. 9,4/10
sweet seeds cream caramel auto flowers: nice one from the Spanish mob, read somewhere down the line that its G.mod that's the only way they can incorporate actual caramel whiffs, anyway, nice night time one, who am I shitting? smash it through the day and feel it the way it should be felt. peace out my homenugs!-El Kevo
CC is an exceptional strain. Granted, this is the first I grew and it did grow very well in it's dry Hawaiian summer environment. It is a hard hitter, very relaxing and calming but not sleepy at all. Creativity and focus seemed to be another branch of the long lasting effects. Cant say enough about this medium height... good yielding (nearly 4 oz dried/trimmed) strain.
Buen sabor y exquisito aroma. La "volá" es relajante, como para quedarse tirado en el sofá la primera media hora. En producción me han salido chicas de poca cantidad, la raza más tirada a rudelaris. Pero poniendo enfasis en que son "filetes" como decimos los chilenos la cream de la cream.
While I initially enjoyed the distinctive and strong flavor, it grew wearisome. The high is enjoyable but not the best. Fun to have every now and then.
One of the best i have had in awhile. Buds are covered in crystals and it smells and tastes like citrus fruit from the maple leaf in it. The blueBlack really comes through as well with the fruity taste. Only 16% THC but i ha e smoked higher that wasn’t as good. This strain is a must try. Reminds you of the nugg you would get back in highschool to the early 2000’s. A+
December 6, 2015
The dealer hooked me up with some of this one time it was really good