Fire OG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Fire OG.
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Was a cheap cart. Wasn't too impressed.
Ogre at shit bro def grab ... high asl
Do not overlook the warnings about cotton mouth and dry eyes, staying hydrated after this was difficult. I slept so well afterwards, it was totally worth it!
Nice strong strain.
This is one of the smoothest and best tasting strains I’ve ever used. It’s very long lasting and vapes out pretty thoroughly. It helps dampen my chronic pain and muscle spasms during the day without leaving me stuck on the couch.
Fire is fire! it's as good as the other reviews say. you know what stop reading go get some! enjoy! it hits fast and yes about 1 bowl full in bong works for all my household. cough rating was 6/10 first time it's stronger but after that nobody really coughed. I use every day sometimes twice and this hits me when others don't. I was gonna take a T break but didn't need it.
Gosh. This is honestly the only strain I actively look for. Hits hard. Feels great. Lasts long. The high is very "clear" and I find it energizing.
amazing high. definitely in my top 3