Headband reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Headband.
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This strain is great if you don't have to do anything for a while after. It doesn't kick in right away but when it does it definitely feels like there is something on your forehead. Very fun strain.
September 19, 2015
my favorite
headband - one of the best tasting diesel line strains iv'e had the pleasure of having, an intense blow to the face upon first hit, but then leaves you wanting more right after, but do be-careful as this strain is another what i call "jokes on you strains" it taste and feels so good you want that next toke or 7 but to much of a good strain can be a bad high, as i was dropped on my head with a band ( terrible pun intended) of euphoria. It was stupidly fun to ride my long board but also stupidly dangerous for doob noob's, as for the novice consumers and hybrid connoisseur's have yourself some fun and be safe. namaste my brothers and sisters.
p.s. had the same effects on me as Trainwreck, so don't derail !
December 1, 2015
got some today was very pleased
December 9, 2015
This strain is amazing. I have been smoking since '84 and just got my card. I have never been so high omfg!!
May 26, 2016
tastey lil strain. strong sweet scent of lemon, fruit and pine. a very clean high that doesn't leave you feeling tired or groggy, was able to even be somewhat productive within an hour or two of smoking.
headband helps me relax and lighten up -- super giggly and euphoric. i also often find myself being creatively inspired by this strain and will end up drawing for hours. :-)
Made me super relaxed and made my eyes heavy. Took a great nap on it tho. Good strain to just chill