Lemon Cake reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Lemon Cake.
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Lemon pound cake had me litt that shytt was fire It tastes just like it says you kan taste 🍋 🧀 sweetnes to it I would smoke this strain if I'm goin out on a road trip..
I actually get pretty tired with this strain, which is honestly a nice change of pace bc sativas usually give me anxiety & an overly caffeinated vibe but i felt rather relaxed & giggly. I think the high myrcene content is responsible for that, but I dig it! Also, I'm not one to go for the "lemony" strains but it tastes amazing.
187 - it smells and tastes very good - 187
Extremely potent. Long lasting pain relief, and a FEROCIOUS appetite. Very, very, strong head high.
June 18, 2019
smells like honey
seedy. decent enough head high
Definitely a favorite!
very good helps be with my depression helps with anxiety it gave me energy and I came down after a while into total relaxation.