OG Trainwreck reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain OG Trainwreck.
OG Trainwreck strain effects
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OG Trainwreck reviews
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Surprisingly strong, and came on very quickly.
Killed my pain, along with any chance of thinking straight. ;-) Luckily, I didn't have to think at all, because music was deep and layer-full, and sound was kaleidoscopic during the peak.
Smell and taste is sweet, mildly skunky, almost a slight hint of bergamot.
Caution to pain patients: UP + PAIN FREE = Chance of getting too busy puttering around- don't cause yourself pain later!
Potent smell and taste got me stoned out of my mind.
September 11, 2016
One of the best strains I've had in a while. Was super nauseous this morning and almost threw up and got myself to smoke a snap of this stuff and safe to say.. No longer nauseated... Body no longer has that morning soreness you can get from life's burdens. Would buy again if it was the quality I have (some of these other pictures posted look swaggy/dirty as hell. Mine was extremely sticky and dense covered with tricomes with a dark green tone to leaves with concentrations of orange hairs)
honestly one of the best tasting and smelling weeds there is. og kush x trainwreck makes for an amazing smoke.
hits you right away, stand up and realize your fucked
February 19, 2016
Vblover16 - Yep our Thick Wicket (a cross between OG Kush and Trainwreck that we sold for years in medical) has been rebranded as OG Wreck. Sorry for the confusion. It is the exact same strain. And we are stoked that you like it! You should some of the concentrates made from that stuff. The terp profile is amazing!
VERY strong strain with an intense high. For me personally it was mostly in my head. It smells soooo strong its crazy. I had it in two baggy's inside a pocket in my backpack and I could smell the strong skunk smell from across the room. I took two hits from a bowl and couldn't stop coughing
Pretty sativa-dominant leaning hybrid, and proves that in its high. With that OG Kush peaking out the indica for a gentle body relaxation and the Trainwreck creating a blissful and cheerful mind, life feels good, my anxiety is at bay, and it's one of the few strains that has allowed me to be active without taking blood pressure medication 😬 Got some wax of this, beautiful consistency, low temp melt, tastes of kush and sweetness. kyleGHAD on IG.
Vaped 3T from a full bowl mid-afternoon, it got me energised to finally re-cover my cat's scratching post. 3T to finish the bowl after dinner and listened to chill-out music. My hearing was heightened and could sense and feel many depths of sound. A bit of closed eye kaleidoscopes, which is always nice. So in my head that I can mostly ignore my pain.