Pennywise reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Pennywise.

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August 30, 2016
"Oh wow, am I high? ..yeah.. I'm definitely high.. but there's something else there that makes me feel dizzy yet functional." These were my immediate thoughts, 10 minutes after vaporizing that earthy herbal goodness known as Pennywise. The high is complex, with a mental buzz and a dizzying sort of clarity, if that makes any sense. Smoking too much though can cause headaches and provoke a bit of physical anxiety, which is odd for a high CBD strain, though it wouldn't be surprising given the plant's sativa lineage after all. The taste is satisfyingly robust to the palate, smells distinctly tart like grapefruit, has a moderately decent bag appeal, and is just perfect for bouts of insomnia, muscle tension, inflammation, and curbing negative emotions. Great medicinal properties, though it's not the best tasting cannabis I've ever tried, it'll definitely be one to stock up on when you just need to chillax! 420
March 26, 2015
Mild smell and flavour. Flavour was a little bit like the light green pressed Moroccan hash we used to get in the 70s, almost like faint perfume. Vapor went down easy at first, but started to get pretty harsh half-way through. Effects- Quickly relaxing, not bad for joint pain and excellent for inflammation and muscle tightness. I was thinking straight. I was focused on one thing for periods, almost in the groove rather than high, like a light sativa. I had fleeting moments of strong intoxication and naturally got back in the flow. Extremely dry throat and effected my vision a lot after about an hour. Sleep will come soon, I bet.
March 5, 2015
this could be the only strain that really helps me I take it for sleep and anxiety it's similar to Xanax, yet the benzo family of drugs is hell to get off of I wish I could find this one easier in my area :(
November 27, 2021
After being a daily toker for like 2 1/2 years, randomly one day smoking weed just started making me feel like i was dying :/ my chest would hurt, i would have trouble breathing (hyper aware of my breathing and it felt weird in a bad way), I'd get lightheaded, anytime i tried to drink water I'd almost choke on it, all that physical anxiety/panic bullshit...Over the past 2 years I've smoked maybe a total of 10 times, trying to find a strain that would work for me again, and not make me feel like my body was shutting down, I'm having a heart attack, or my lungs are filling with fluid, lmao. Pennywise is the first strain i have smoked where i was able to take 3 hits out of a pipe (my tolerance is zero lol) and get comfortably high. On top of that, i busted my bicep tendon at work last month and it's been painful as fuck and this helps the pain immensely. For me, it's a nice head high and pain reliever. I smoked with a friend for the first time in over 2 years, and was able to maintain fun conversation and not feel self conscious. Soooo basically this is a stellar review from someone who desperately wanted to enjoy getting high again and finally found a strain capable of doing so. :)
January 25, 2016
This was the first bud I've smoked in over eight years. I felt a little socially awkward at first but no anxiety. Very clear thoughts, helped me see through my own BS, answers became simple. Felt active, motivated, and aware.
June 15, 2016
I have severe anxiety and panic attacks. Pennywise calms and relaxes my mind. I wake up in a great mood. My favorite strain.
November 6, 2014
Pennywise has been my favorite strain I've tried so far. I have bad anxiety and nausea associated with it. This helps me in both of those factors. I also have a hard time sleeping and the "negative" dry eyes help me get to sleep. The first few times I vaped it I got pretty high. Now I have gotten used to it more and it's never overwhelming. I vape this almost every night before bed. Head High: Low -- I feel dumb most of the time Body High: Medium -- Makes me numb in most places
March 15, 2017
Great morning to mid-day bud. It's surprising that with equal portions of CBD and THC (8-9%) this bud get me feeling high and yet "put together" as well. Head and body buzz are both there, but not super strong. Sale rep recommend it as a low cost product, to be productive, and calm; she was right now.

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