Purple Kush reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Purple Kush.
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One of the first Kush's I smoked. Great taste that leaves a distinct Kush aftertaste. The buds are covered in trichomes and have a purplish red tinge to them. First Kush and definitely has a special place in my heart. Before it became legal purple Kush was huge. Classic and amazing strain.
Love the grape flavor put me down
Had a pretty cool mellow high on this and talked about some deep shit with my roomate. It's been helping with chronic pain for sure. Makes you kinda sleepy but if you fight it off the high is so fun.
Always love me some PK.
Mild tasting, not peppery at all. Split a half gram joint with a friend and the conversation and laughs flowed. I’ve never been so intent on playing children’s video games. I️t helped me relax after a long day but didn’t put me to sleep: I actually stayed up much later playing and giggling. Munchies were very present but not overpowering. A great strain when you don’t have to be serious.
November 12, 2015
so beautiful just by look .. smell is dank.. and smoke inhale is amazing.. very good strain
June 12, 2016
Very tasty concentrate. THC 64.80/CBD 0.30. 800mg lasted me over a week.