Strawberry Fields reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Strawberry Fields.

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April 1, 2018
This was sold to me as a Sativa strain. However, I feel a wonderful body high and I’m mellowing our I feel like. It’s 2am, I slept for only 2 hours last night, because of college stuff and insomnia. But now thanks to this strain I am ready to finally pass tf out. I feel amazing. 11/10 would recommend.
February 1, 2018
I have fibromyalgia and this strain really helped with pain during flare ups.
July 23, 2018
Trying out the Strawberry 🍓 Fields MoxiePA distillate Cart 💨 Goin in I’m anxious physically and mentally let’s hope this helps . . 2 puffs and coughing begins. I feel my body get hit with warmth firsts as my head feels heavier almost like the air is heavier and pushing me down. I feel happier as well mentally not stressing and more in the moment. I feel my body tingling as well which is nice for any pain. I also feel like I can feel any inflammation or muscle pain just reduce. I feel like music sounds better I’m also more satisfied doing what ever. It’s a help for ADD type symptoms as well as PTSD such as anxiety and stress and even physical anxiety. I was weary of a distillate to be honest. But after taking a look at the lab report and taking a look at the Terpenes even though low amounts the ones there Are ones attack anxiety and attack inflammation so this is sticking true to its make up which is exactly what you want it also tastes wonderful if you enjoy strawberry if you do not enjoy strawberry you will absolutely hate this :-) so be sure to keep that in mind as well. . . This is definitely a very relaxing strain but it also does not put me to sleep so it’s nice really for anytime use relaxation it is not too intense and all but it does relax the mind and the body I highly would recommend. Another puff now 😁 time to enjoy this wonderful strawberry tasting medicine as I wander into my own Strawberry Fields thanks so much to Moxie Pennsylvania and to pure Penn and Solevo for the meds locally. I’m happy I picked up two. My mind gets happier and happier and I feel light and heavy at the same time 😝 This also relaxes my Stomach so I’d say great for my PTSD and Stomach diseases❤️ . . At 86.36% cannabinoids it absolutely packs a punch only need a couple of hits and you’re ready to go for 2 to 3 hours sometimes one hour depending on the symptoms and how bad it is but definitely is a great medicine looking forward to medicating with it! . . I’d say it’s about a 3 to 4 puff maximum for me and I’m ready to go so definitely be sure to medicate properly and enjoy have a wonderful day and be sure to ask any questions you may have I am here to help spread information and hope that you also get relief.
January 20, 2017
a heavy body medicine than its mom. very nice tasting like good Afghani or hash plant, with a bit of the strawberry cough hints here and there. smells like hash and fruit and a bit of skunk and pine. very nice well rounded medicine. got from Purlifenm tested at 18 %thc. keep on medicating in da 505!!!🚬💣💥💭👍👏✌👌😸
November 11, 2017
Holy shit! This knocked me on my ass, in a good way. I’ve been in the process of getting off medication for a nerve condition I have in my leg that tends to flare up at night. Not only did one puff of this (vaped CO2 concentrate) get me feeling great, I also slept harder than I have in months. The high definitely hits you hard, but if you brace yourself and just embrace it, you’ll enjoy the ride. This is definitely a nighttime, stay at home and watch movies strain. I really enjoyed the high. Extremely euphoric with a body high I wasn’t expecting due to other reviews of this I’ve read. Woke up a little groggy for the first few minutes, but I think it had more to do with sleeping so hard (8+ hours) than any sort of hangover. Once I had a cup of coffee I felt refreshed and clearheaded. I’d highly recommend this strain for anyone dealing with pain or depression/stress/insomnia(I find those three often go hand in hand). Good luck and hope this helps!
March 8, 2019
This strain does not fight fair! I smoked a bowl and felt nothing. I sat down and started a movie. About 10 minutes later I said to myself, your not high at all, you may want to smoke another bowl. I go to stand up and it's like I forgot how to use my legs. I am now so f'ing stoned that I have to fully use my arms to get up to a standing position. I felt like one of those scenes in a movie where the person is in physical therapy and learning to walk again. So I manage to get out of my chair and my mind still says "you need another bowl, you're not high enough yet". I take inventory of what I need to take outside with me. I'm ready now hyping myself up to smoke that second bowl. I walk outside and the earth begins to move in directions I have never felt before. Gravity seems random but targeted. I smoke that bowl with the grace of a drunk demolition driver. Getting into one's own house while on this strain is a bit like trying to get into those puzzle rooms. I find my way to my recliner and melt into a liquidy substance that locks me in and dares me to move. I see my drink on the coffee table but it might as well be a million miles away. I contemplate how I'm supposed to get said drink but quickly realize that most of the math I learned in school is worthless to me in everyday life. Also, how the F do penguins survive being so awkward on land, and finally, I miss sticker books, especially the scratch and sniff ones. Ohh sheeeit, sorry... So I manage to pull myself to the coffee table and take a drink. This is when I am sure I need to get some sleep. There is a weird "clockwork orange" slash "the wall" experience going on. I set my mind to the task at hand and try running into the bedroom like a fawn just minutes old trying to walk for the first time. I find my bed and curl up in it so safe and warm.... Right to sleep I go and stay asleep for a long time. I woke up and said to myself.... "what the F just happened"? I hope I've been descriptive enough in explaining this strain. Good luck with it...... YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
May 25, 2019
Smells amazing like the fruit itself. Wow i got so creative on this strain it made me feel so happy to be alive where i am rn. And i’m in a dark place in my life, i suffer from major ptsd and severe depression...but not with this. Reminded me what it’s like to just FEEL GOOD Don’t underestimate this one .*•*•*🌛🍃💚*•*•* BTW ~ Everyone wanna talk shit all the time about every single type if weed as if you’re experts?? 😂lmao, just give a genuine review straight to the point and no bs. None of you are entitled to be that “informed”. It’s fucking hilarious and honestly makes all yall look dumb as hell. Review page is shit, and awful to look at. I wanted to find an honest input but scrolled through so many shitty entitled reviews
February 27, 2018
The taste of strawberry filled my mouth as I exhaled the smoke. I did not feel that burn in my throat that had many times before. No instead I felt the calm that began to fill my body. I put the pipe back up to my mouth and repeated the process until I could no longer bring myself to move from my position amongst my pillows. As I lay there staring at my ceiling it occurs to me that the fields of strawberry I had just crossed through had sent me to a place I never wanted to leave again. Away from the hustle and bustle. Far from the stress the world around us holds. To my own little paradise I call Euphoria. In other words I highly recommend this strain.

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