Tahoe OG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Tahoe OG.
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dimensions of airless mirrors and wonders await. This nighttime strain features deep thought, followed by a flair of creativity.
I picked 4 stars because, like the description said, it comes on with a kick and then settles down nicely to a sweet evening stone. Quiets that after-work buzz in my brain. I'm an experienced smoker and it only took a few tokes to roll for the next couple hours. No cotton mouth:) Would definitely get this strain again!
February 9, 2016
I was so high, I couldn't get my pants up. My husband had to help me.
Picked up a pre-roll of this the other day and just lit it up. Went through most of the joint, heavy body high after 15 minutes. Most pain went away, definitely good if you want to get rid of nausea. It's a very potent OG, so beginners go easy. A bit heavy on the lungs, but other that that, and amazing high. Hints of earth and lemon in there, has that nice citrus pine smell. 9.5/10
Not bad out of the bong 👨🏽🔬💨
This strain did wonders for my chronic back and neck pain. Plus it really does just lull you to a nice peaceful sleep. Tastes like a earthy acidic light roast coffee with a touch of lemon. Worth trying.
piney taste will give u the munchies!
I’ve taken this in flower and tincture form. I’m currently using tincture within the first couple hours of the morning along with some form of caffeine. It’s a perfect combo to stay chill and alert. I’m able to manage stress way better. The tincture I’m using is called Friendly Drops. It’s strain specific so the effects are much like smoking flower. I use only take 10 mg and I’m good up until about 2-3 pm.