Tiger's Blood, also known as "Tiger's Blood OG," "Tiger Blood Kush" and "Tiger Blood," is a rare indica marijuana strain and phenotype of OG Kush. This strain produces sedating effects that hit you instantaneously and leave you locked to the sofa. Tiger's Blood will make you feel happy, floaty, relaxed, and lazy. This strain features spicy and earthy flavors with strong herbal undertones. Boasting a THC percentage of 18%, medical marijuana patients seek this strain to help relieve symptoms associated with chronic disorders like insomnia, cramps, and pain. Tigers Blood was originally bred by Virgin Seeds. If you've smoked, dabbed, or consumed this strain before, tell us about your experience by leaving a review.
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Tiger's Blood strain reviews61
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Tiger's Blood grow information
Growers say Tiger's Blood flowers into chunky buds with bright orange trichomes that are sticky to the touch. This strain has an average flowering time of 70 days.