Yoda OG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Yoda OG.
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very indica lol & great for slowing down
December 30, 2018
I don't smoke I usually eat edibles so when my husband said he would purchase this for me to help with sleep, pain etc. I was all for it. So I've smoking Yoda for the past 3 days and nothing! No sleep, no pain relief no nothing. Like I just smoked just to blow smoke out. Am I tripping? Did I get a bad cartridge?
December 8, 2015
The nugs are like little Yodas. Like Fire OG on the exhale and effects, but with a cleaner, mellow kickback to it.
May 26, 2015
really relaxing for night time
I love this strain color and look can tell a lot this bud is a little green but mainly purple with lil diamonds just sparkling.The taste is truly amazing taste earthy and kinda sweet fruit taste.Finally wether your smoking for pain,stress , anxiety, depression.It's a must try it helps me with severe chronic pain for deterioration of the spine ,whiplash, neuropathic pain and it works great for me
June 2, 2015
Great during those night hours. Definitely put me to sleep lol.
February 15, 2016
Comparable to my purple nepal, except not as much "feel-good" vibe. Decent couch lock, controlled RLS, and when I woke up I wasn't groggy.
March 8, 2016
Badass strain gets u super sleepy and it last a long time🙏