1094 total articles - Page 109 of 110
Why Are Hand-Trimmed Cannabis Buds Better Than Buds Trimmed by a Machine?
Leafly Staff - Published on March 31, 2015Read moreIs there a difference between cannabis buds that have been hand-trimmed versus buds that were trimmed by a machine? Absolutely — here are three reasons why.
How to Market Your Cannabis Business Part 2: Traditional Marketing Channel Opportunities
Leafly Staff - Published on March 26, 2015Read moreHere are a few simple ideas on how to use traditional marketing channels to your advantage and stimulate the growth of your cannabis business:
The top three do’s and don’ts of cannabis marketing
Leafly Staff - Published on March 19, 2015Read moreWhat can you do for your cannabis business to reach and build the audience of cannabis consumers your brand is hoping to attract?
Welcome to Leafly’s Desktop Notifications
Leafly Staff - Published on March 15, 2015Read moreStep-by-step instructions to opt-out of Leafly desktop and mobile browser notifications.
3 Tips to Keep in Mind When Marketing Your Cannabis Business
Leafly Staff - Published on March 1, 2015Read moreWhat can you do for your marijuana business to reach and build the audience of cannabis consumers your brand is hoping to attract?
8 common accounting problems cannabis businesses face
Leafly Staff - Published on December 31, 2014Read moreWe’ve highlighted eight large problem areas for cannabis businesses that a knowledgeable accountant or CPA should watch out for and help you with if they arise.
Treating Seizures in Dogs and Other Pets With CBD
Leafly Staff - Published on November 13, 2014Read moreHuman beings may not be the only ones who benefit from cannabinoid therapy: pets are starting to receive high CBD treatment, too.
Which Oregon City Has the Most Dispensaries? The State of the Leaf: Oregon Edition
Leafly Staff - Published on November 4, 2014Read moreHere’s a highlight of a few key points about Oregon’s cannabis market. Check out our infographic detailing Oregon’s top dispensaries, top strains, and more!
Medical Cannabis and Its Ties to Suicide Prevention
Leafly Staff - Published on October 22, 2014Read moreA study of state suicide statistics from 1990 to 2007 found that in the three years after the passage of medical cannabis legislation, the suicide rate for men ages 20-30s dropped by 10%.
What is kief and how can you use it?
Leafly Staff - Published on October 15, 2014Read moreEver wonder what those tiny, sticky crystals that cover cannabis flowers are? It’s called kief, also known as dry sift or pollen.