Blueberry reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blueberry.
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I picked up some Bluberry shatter from C.C.C. in Corona, and the results we're potent.
This is truly an indica you can depend on during the day. I didn't feel extremely couch locked so I was able to get on with my day, however I did things slower.
It didn't really relieve my pain per say as it made me focus on it.
Overall a decent smoke.
Definitely one of my top favourites. With an amazing blueberry sent through the bag, gives a wonderful relaxation feeling and gets me talking, I'm usually awkward when socializing with a group of people but after I smoke this I open up like a book and always enjoy my time. Sometimes I get a little anxiety from it but I'm learning to cope through it. Love me some blueberry Yum yum
MOB is the best tasting, best painkiller of all the weed I've smoked-insomnia issues are minimal after blazing this!
All around a great strain! Nice moisture content, fruity flavor and great looking buds.
Gasssssssssssss dot com.
By far my favorite Indica. Pretty mild if you don’t use much. A bowl of this is perfect before bed.
Really enjoyed the taste of this strain.It helped me to focus on individual task instead of my brain worrying about getting everything done at once. Didn't get the couch lock effect. Not as strong as some of the other strains of cannabis I've had but it's a nice strain to smoke and enjoy nature.The only side effects I've had was dry mouth and munchies. would definitely try again.
What can I say about this strain that hasn't been said before? If you enjoy a nice typical mid-ranged indica that won't have you too couched locked, but will also influence muchies? Blueberry. It's a strain you will see and hear of pretty much everywhere in Canada from LP to local dispensaries. It's aroma reminds you of a berry musk, that isn't sweet but is strong. Blueberry is a classic strain that would be recommended to any new person who is starting to smoke cannabis.