Blueberry reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blueberry.
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One of the best strains I have tried to date. All-around uplifting, not so much "couch-lock;" more akin to someone rigging your frontal lobes to some high voltage lines and hitting random keys.
In addition to Blueberry, I have tried countless Blueberry hybrids. Blueberry Northern Lights #3 & 5, with Blueberry Yum-Yum being my favorite (apparently Ludacris's, too).
A definite recommendation to anyone who loves cannabis.
(HG) this beautiful bud hits hard and strong. It lasts for at least 2.5 hours and leaves you clear headed. This strain exceeded my expectations. I rolled a standard paper J and I couldn't finish it, because it's affects were strong and almost immediate. This is a winner.
The buds from this strain are more dense and dark green, I rolled this weed in blueberry flavoured papers, which amplified the flavour by a ton. This is the perfect strain for after a long day or just to relax. I used it for insomnia and its probably my favourite strain. I was very happy with it, i hope to come by it again.
Blueberry is my favorite strain, but I've only had it once before, last Summer. Needless to say, I was anxious to load my bowl and try this out. The buds look nice altogether. They are pretty light and airy buds with bright orange hairs and a dusting of frosty trichromes all over. The smell is just slightly sweet with a kind of spiciness that gives some "bite" to the aroma. The smoke is smooth but not particularly flavorful. Exhaling gives a nice flavor on green hits, but it's not particularly tasty. One note is that the buds are pretty dry. I'm not sure if this is a result of the storage methods or the toll of transit. Either way, the stuff still smokes nice.
The blueberry high is nice. It really relieves my anxiety and stress. The head high comes on first and is uplifting. I was considering going back to bed for a nap, but now I feel more awake yet relaxed. Although cerebral, there is no hyper giddiness or tension that can come from heavier sativa strains. The best way to describe it is that I just feel "good". My outlook is positive and I'm not worried about anything. After the initial buzz, the head high settles a bit but the elevated mood is persistent. Music appreciation is improved. The body high becomes more apparent once the head comes down a bit. It's pretty easy to work at the computer, but occasionally I get distracted by a runaway train of thought.
Overall one of my favorite strains I've tried to date. Love the long lasting Indica dominated high, being someone who prefers an indica high. The look of this bud is just pure beauty on the eyes, with it's dark and deep purples taking over every bud. It taste just like you think it should, very fruity and not harsh in the least bit.
Medically I use this strain mainly for pain and insomnia. If I get an onset of a migraine I will turn to this strain. I try to have this or another as strong or stronger indica strain every night to sleep, having to deal with massive insomnia. Let me say this strain does the job if you really can't sleep or relied on a chemical to sleep like I did. This strain will also give you the generic relaxed creative thinking that great cannabis will do. Not much of a head hitting high, but a body loader.
Just smoked a chillum full and a bong full that i got from the joint in Seattle. I asked for the tippiest toppiest top shelf indica they had and they showed me the "blueberry". It was kind of confusing because the jar it was in said dj short blueberry but sign labeled it as blueberry. It looked pretty dank so I got it. The packaging it came in also said blueberry so I don't know what was going on there. Anyway, Now that I'm thoroughly baked off this shit I can review it properly. It tastes and smells like some high quality stuff. Just like blueberries in fact. The effect is heavy but kind of hollow. I'm really stoned but that's about it. Nothing unique or special that is popping out in this particular strain. For they're recommended top shelf indica I'm not all that impressed. I don't know if I'm actually smoking this strain anyway so this whole review could be in vain. I have a gram of dj short blueberry that I got two days ago that I haven't tried yet. So I'll figure this all out.
I found blueberry gave me a soaring euphoric head high for the first twenty minutes to half hour, and then tailed off, and everything slowed down to a crawl. Felt like I was melting into wherever I was sitting. I noticed slight body affects with this strain. Not my favorite, but solid.