Dawgfather OG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Dawgfather OG.
Dawgfather OG strain effects
Dawgfather OG reviews
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This strain is very calming. I prefer a fruitier taste but it's peppery pulls with flower relax anxiety and relieve discomfort. With my experience, I felt very productive while working. if you like a bitter, but smooth taste, then you'd enjoy this. It smells light and strong.
Love this Strain! Great for anxiety and insomnia
March 8, 2017
Although, I could write a book on PTSD, and the severe anxiety and mental health issues we endure I won't...I just wish that there weren't so many of us...With that said:
*Due to recent events, my PTSD went into overdrive
*Being on SSDI, I had worked with an employer four years, who allowed me just enough hours, a flexible work schedule...essentially the perfect job. However, it was in "another state".
*Unable to use Blueberry, during the time I worked, when "forced" out of town because my offender located me, I ended up with access to Washington State, and was introduced to this Hybrid.
***For me, as one who is a rare to limited user, and a "non-cigarette", smoker, I use a bubbler anyway...one to two good hits and I generally get the effect I desired from the Blueberry.
***Multiple Products to go over on an extremely busy day, staff still made sure that I was attended to and all questions were answered.
***For ME...Recommend smoke earlier in the day, or before wanting to be calmer, but less anxious and more productive at home
***Almost an appetite SUPPRESSANT
***LONG lasting (too long for me, relaxed and mellow, but unable to fall asleep)
***Most likely due to being a non-smoker, and a more occasional user...this product left my lungs feeling "burned" more than the Blueberry, same bubbler, same drag
***A definite recommendation, just earlier in the day, I received on sale 8/$30, so I am definitely happy with that
***Believe, based upon reviews, I may try Blue Dream for nights, and reserve this for day.
Amazing generics. Love this strain for sleep / insomnia. It just works.
My only wish is someone would add it to their vape line. Likely would be. Select.
Or to find Sin City OG.
Btw, PTSDsucks, sorry about what I’m guessing your situation is. You might look into some good land race strains. Which with blueberry you were very close. Give Northern Lights #5 a try or Hash Plant. Earth OG as well (ghost og x sour d). Blue Dream at night night keep you up. I can sleep on it but it is sativa dominate. Use it during the day (flip flop what you had planned).
If you can find this strain - try it. Worth every penny.
Hey Big Surf, good idea I'm making a vape cartridge right now for Mule Extracts in Portland. We steam distill the essential oils and add back to the CO2 refined oil to match the original flower profile. Excellent effects - feel the base, middle and top notes of each aroma filled vape hit.
Love the taste and it’s superb to relax with