Harlequin reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Harlequin.

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July 25, 2017
Finally got to try this strain and have been using it now for about a month, almost on a daily basis. I was looking forward to experiencing a high without paranoia, and it delivered. If I smoke too much ( 3 or more big hits) I can get some racing thoughts but nothing like other strains I have used. This makes me feel calm and relaxed without the super crazy cerebral high I get from other strains. I can get a little spacey in the first hour or so, but it's nothing I can't manage. Harlequin has helped my anxiety and PTSD symptoms immensely - I am no longer having the near-panic attack feeling I get in certain situations. I also have been feeling more emotional in a positive way, as my PTSD has numbed my emotions for many years now. I am also being more creative. Overall a very pleasant experience.
January 25, 2018
I had been experiencing four days of non-stop anxiety issues when I came across this at a local dispensary. Within 10 minutes of smoking a bowl of this, ALL my anxiety was gone. I could not believe how how fast and how well this stuff works. I can't recommend this highly enough!
November 18, 2018
I keep reading how great this is for so I was all over it. To no avail, all I ever wound up with was a headache. Granted, I am headache prone, but this strain guarantees a headache for me. I've tried it on several different occasions, different methods hoping for a better result that never came. :(
March 15, 2019
Didn’t like this, not enough pain benefits at low doses, get fuzzy at higher doses
February 8, 2019
I really loved this strain it's not to strong not to weak I love the cbd component to this strain. the only thing I didn't like and it might just be me.and My metabolism but it doesn't quite last long enough. now I vape my dry herb and the taste is so great I love this strain just wish it was a little bit stronger on both the and cbd ends and last longer but defenitly one I'll keep in my medicine cabnet!!
December 25, 2018
Here's my personal experience with Harlequin. Coming from someone who's a bit of a noob in the cannabis world. First time I got my hands on this strain was through an online despencery based in Richmond, British Columbia. The flower they sent me was so friend up that it crumbles if I lightly punch it with my fingers. Had alot of stems and was real seedy. But hey, work with what I got. Put it in my dry herb vaporizer and away I went. Because of the dryness, it didn't last very long in there so tried my best to get as much as I can. Took about 5 quick pulls and had me buzzing about 10 minutes later. 5 might have been a bit too much cause of my lack of experience. Had me pretty high. Started to get really jittery and almost began to feel anxious, but clear headed enough to control it. Overall not too bad but hard to judge over really bad, dried out weed. I decided try a CO2 pure cannabis oil with a vape battery by Zen Tanks Medical. It had a CDB 1:1 THC ratio besides the usual 5:2. Tried it while going to grab coffee then go for a nice walk. It was rather cold, windy and walking through a rather ghetto neighborhood but I felt really nice. I was finally able to appreciate this strain for what it's made for. Christmad holidays is a rather depressing time of year for me, but felt none of it after taking this. I felt uplifted, happy and calm. Nothing else really mattered. The high was a mild one, but a good mild. Head was clear, no overwhelming negative effects. Just pure relaxed and happy while walking outside in cold winter weather. This will be my go-to daytime strain.
December 27, 2018
This is by far my favorite. I would smoke this all day every day if I could! I love that it's very uplifting, but allows me to remain clear headed and functional. It's so hard to find a high cbd low thc sativa, and this is my go to. I try to stock up on it when I can get my hands on it, but it seems to be very popular in my area. It also helps alleviate pain, which is amazing. Overall an amazing strain. I can't smoke higher thc strains because I tend to get a little anxiety from it, so this is my sweet spot. Definitely reccomend!
May 22, 2018
an uplifting pain relief depending on the THC ratio with a low head high. This strain will keep you active not a lot of muchies type strain I didn't experience but it will help with pain and keep you active through the experience.

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