Strawberry Cough reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Strawberry Cough.

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February 21, 2017
MY LORDY. This is the Superman of pot strains. I am ON FIRE cleaning my house. I don't even know how I'm taking a break to write this. Probably because you can focus with your ginormous head high and just enough body high to make your pain go numb. But there is NO couch lock involved here. I think I might be in love. I will forever do my chores on Strawberry Cough. Oh yea dry mouth and throat sucks with this one. I dabbed, zero cough, lots of sweet strawberry, barely any smoke so I puffed 4 times. I am BLASTED stoned. Don't let the minuscule amounts of smoke fool you; you very much indeed, are getting plenty of marijuana! Imma go scrub my toilet. Supermaaaaaannnnnnnn
December 14, 2017
In the couple months since I’ve had my medical card, this has become one of my favorite strains. I’ve definitely had it in the past but could never keep track of what I had and just smoked pretty large amounts of whatever was around, so back then nothing really stood out to me. Now that I’m medicating for PTSD I’m really picky and specifically seek out strains for stress relief and that don’t deliver a super heady high in a short amount of time. In CT I have this in a slim from Curaleaf (it’s called Scarlett here). I find it has similar effects to Blue Dream, another one of my favorites. I can’t speak for higher amounts cause I dose low n slow (stopped smoking for a long time and I’m still building my tolerance back up), a couple sips on the slim vape is enough to relax my mind while still feeling alert and motivated to move around. It’s a nice relaxing high without feeling hazy. I don’t experience any anxiety or paranoia with this strain. My mind just feels so damn good, like it’s wrapped in a warm comforting blanket. This should be a staple strain (along with BD) if you’re looking to treat anxiety, PTSD, or depression. I’m really looking forward to trying ‘Scarlett Rainbow’ (SC x CBD) when it comes up in the dispensary here.
December 29, 2021
What I like about Strawberry Cough is the way it makes me remember to breathe. That sounds weird, I know. But after taking it medicinally every afternoon for over a month, I realized that this is one of the effects of this strain. At first, I noticed the energizing effects and the way that it just slightly elevated my mood and suppressed irritability, which is why I choose the strain to help me with CPTSD and the resulting anxiety/depression that can sideline me on any given afternoon/evening. But lately, I've also noticed that I'll have a feeling of well-being that starts way down in my body; and as I relax into that, I'll take a deep breath that makes me feel like things are gonna be ok or that I'll feel like I'm ok on the inside even if things aren't all that great out in the world. Sounds simple. But it's an amazingly wonderful thing for someone like me who was always kind of a "stress ball," even before these times got increasingly and increasingly "unprecedented." I've tried both the flower and concentrate cartridges of the strain. I started with the flower but recently switched to the cartridge because I believe I've built up a tolerance to it that makes using a cartridge more efficient than using a flower vaporizer. That's a good thing, actually, because that illustrates how well the strain has been working for me. I've had zero negative side effects, such as feeling too "buzzy" or paranoid or high to work. I use it to help me focus with a positive mood in the afternoons/evenings on pretty intense intellectual work and to run errands, prep dinner etc. It works very well for this! Helps me feel energetic. Helps me focus. Helps me stay clear-minded but in a good mood even in the midst of shit traffic. Very much recommend to try this strain for anyone who is seeking a better alternative to antidepressant or antianxiety or antiADD pharm drugs.
December 30, 2014
I spent an hour trying to move the TV remote with my mind. It was in my hand.
May 25, 2023
❤️I bought this in a 1g cart at Deerfield Curaleaf - this strain SLAPS ;) (as the kids say) I have social anxiety and depression - a couple hits elevates me and gets me in a giggly happy mood. Chores and work are completely doable 2-5 puffs. Will repurchase ❤️
October 29, 2021
***WARNING** I'm still high. So this is long but very detailed. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂 I've been writing this review in my head since my third good hit. And that was over 30 mins ago. But I feel like it's been a lot longer, then this trip--i SWEAR we should be there by now. I looked up at one point & we're still in the FUCKING DRIVEWAY. We're going on maybe 45 mins. I think. I can't really estimate the exact time but I have an idea based on my last text. **Upadate...that I'm putting up here instead of where/when I actually had the thought. Which was an hour ago but it felt like MUCH longer. ANYWAY... My weed test/new strain discovery from this morning... I wanted a more daytime smoke. Since I was going somewhere with my mom & sister, I didn't smoke quite as much as I'd usually start with. Well, it doesn't really fucking matter. Why? Because it was plenty. My choices were Holy Roller OG & Strawberry Cough. Obviously you know what I picked. Strawberry Cough from Natural State Medicinals. Sativa dominant hybrid •Sativa--85% •Indica--15% •THC--19.3% •CBD--.034 •CBN--.13 •THC-A--2.22 •Pinene--1.19% •Myrcene--0.29% **And thanks to the high Pinene percentage causing a bronchodilator effect, I'm breathing easier and my chest doesn't feel as tight. It was a smooth fruity smoke that went down sweet. The buds weren't exactly/overly sticky but definitely not dry. *allergy shots yesterday so I couldn't pick up on as many smells as usual. However, the depth of the scent & flavor profiles make me wonder if it's a good thing my senses weren't up to par. I picked up a layered medley of something sweet, possibly exotic mixed with the slightest hint of diesel which faded into more of a licorice meets root beer dancing around an ever changing enticingly sweet aroma. The taste was quite similar but not very strong. It left a soft sweetness behind with a small afterthought of hops, root beer and licorice. --One reason I chose this strand over Holy Roller OG is a reviewer said it was good for "writer's block" and I absolutely love to write; which I'm sure you see. While many others said it's perfect for a calm day whether it's with friends/company or alone. I was (am) able to focus; however the focus seems/ed to be one directional not allowing much room for multi-tasking. The high started immediately and slowly built up. Mostly a head high, however it slips into a body high just enough for you to relax or get up and do something. I'm not sure of a word to describe this, if there is one, particular feeling I've been having since that first bowl. The only thing I could compare it to is a "normal" dissociative moment because daydream just doesn't cut it. And yes, we all have dissociative moments at some point. If you're not quite sure how they feel, hang on, this bud will give you quite an insight to those moments and make you realize just how often you have them as everything becomes automatic; walking as natural as breathing & your body just does it as you feel yourself go from consciousness yet still very aware of all that you are doing. For the most part. Between the intense focus, the blank yet very active mind, and the feeling that I'm sitting next to or looking down at myself, well, it's almost as if I've left my body. I felt/feel as though I am looking over my shoulder reading as I type. This flower is definitely giving me a firm & grounded yet out of body experience making it great for yoga, meditation, studying, reading, hell, working with Oracle/tarot decks. Any witchy smokers that have a spell that's needs to be done, smoke this first, you'll thank me. Just don't expect to be able to do too many things at once, like chew gum, walk, and look at your phone. You'll likely land on your ass which is numb by this point. My head is full of thoughts from writing this to my next sentence to paragraph to the "topic" I want to bring up while actually typing what I'm currently thinking in this exact moment. This strain is definitely making me use my brain & I can see myself actually accomplishing something. If only I could think of what I wanted to do. It's now 5:20PM, I started actually writing this around 3:20PM but I did have to take a break while we went in for our errand. Basically, I'm fucking loving this strain right now. Great aroma, good taste, and a smooth inhale combined with the produced high & health benefits make this an all around great strain. Approximately a small-medium sized bowl & a 1/2 is all it took to help with pain, nueropathy, breathing issues, stress, etc. And it's still helping a little over 2hrs later. I'll be sure to try this on a more busy day to see if there are any changes and what they are. Trust me when I say that you need to get your hands on this strain. But give yourself a few minutes after those first couple of times to get used to this newfound experience.
September 14, 2023
I notice that several reviews mention this particular sativa's antidepressant benefits. I would add a word of caution. I, too, am diagnosed with a mood disorder, but instead of unipolar d.otential to kick off or intensify mania or hypomania. some weed more than others (sativas definitely tend towards being more problematic), but it's kind of a softcore russian roulette. the kicker is, ifyo've been diagnosed with unipolar depression, you may have a first manic/hypomanic episode triggered. back to strawberry cough: this stuff tastes amazing, but i ended up in 4 point restraints. so... be careful, i guess.
June 6, 2017
Where do I begin? Hmm, I guess first of all, have you ever felt cheesed by your crush and you couldn't help but walk around thinking it over and smiling to yourself willy nilly? If not, then you'll feel that way, at least in regard to the euphoric aspect to this strain. I loaded my vape and boy oh boy was this a nice treat. This sativa will give you a boost of energy that seems to come from nowhere. It leaves you with such positive vibes with a nice calm relaxation that starts at the back of the eyes. In small doses, I think this strain can help out with anxiety and depression, while reliving very very subtly pain. I wouldn't recommend smoking a lot, because the euphoria can easily turn into a mind racing paranoia if you aren't ready for the sheer positivity this strain possesses. Besides the sheer euphoria, this strain can get you super focused and if need be, can help be such a pleasant car ride. If you plan to wake up and get tedious things done, Strawberry Cough can help you lock into tasks as well. I don't often do Sativa, but this is a small exception. This strain is a definite morning bake for sure! Strain features: - dark green leaves that gradients into a lighter shade - powdery kief is coated with a amberish-light yellow hue and is consistently covered Smell: Strawberries with a hint of earthy yet sweeter tones with subtle floral tone. It's super pleasant. It reminds me a lot of Thai based strains Taste (vape): Dark chocolate with a coating of berry/floral/earthy taste I'd recommend this for people who need some motivation to get things done or are dealing with anxiety and depression. It definitely leaves you with a huge wave of positive wavelengths that gives you a perspective of a well lived life. It doesn't really affect your munchy levels and I wouldn't smoke this at night, especially for those who get trapped in thought. Regardless, Strawberry Cough is one of those strains that give you a ray of hope whether you're down in the dumps or walking on cloud9. Cheers

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